Ben Hu, virologist working on coronavirus gain of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology, was Covid19 patient zero


Michael Shellenberger's Substack Public names Ben Hu, who was in charge of “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as “patient zero” of the Covid-19 pandemic.

IMG source - Public

"According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, the first people infected by the virus, “patients zero,” included Ben Hu, a researcher who led the WIV’s “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses, which increases the infectiousness of viruses.

"...three of the earliest people to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 were Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. All were...WIV scientists who had developed COVID-19-like illnesses in November 2019, were working with the closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2, and inserting gain-of-function features unique to it."

No pangolins, bats, or seafood markets had anything to do with it. We didn't just find out about it in late December. Shi Zheng Li was known as 'the Bat Lady' at WIV, due to her interest in bat immunological systems. Ben Hu was her 'star pupil'.

@CleverPseudonym comments on Public's story:

"Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not today.” Apoorva Mandavilli, "science" reporter for the New York Times.

"NEVER FORGET that when it came to one of the biggest stories of the century, an event that was used as a pretext for all sorts of power grabs and attacks on civil liberties, our legacy media, led by The Paper of Record, not only refused to investigate its origins, but denounced anyone who even considered the possibility that the Official Narrative was wrong, as RACISTS. (In the 21st century, the Bigotry Accusation is the first refuge of scoundrels.)

"If you wanna talk about Patient Zero, here is symbolic evidence that speaks in a million different ways: about the degradation of American discourse, the transformation of the MSM into brazen bullying propagandists, the contempt the elite class has for its citizens, and the attempted takeover of Western societies by an arrogant globalist caste that lies at will and wants complete control of our lives and thoughts.

"They killed millions of people and lied about it, knowing that since they owned the media their PR lapdogs would help them cover it up. Never believe a single word of their lies ever again."

You'd think that says it all.

But, sewer samples taken in Barcelona, Spain in March 2019 showed SARS2 was present there months before Ben Hu fell ill in Wuhan.

I have seen similar research from Paris, France, in June 2019, the Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, and the report from anon on 4chan that a new coronavirus was circulating in E. Canada in October, 2019.

IMG source - Anonymous

Let's remember too, that Ft. Detrick, the US biowarfare lab in Maryland, was shut down in June 2019 because of a lab escape (probably another attempt to provide an accidental release cover story, IMHO).

On his substack Palexander, Dr. Paul Alexander states "...this was deliberate." I agree. Dr. Alexander published in 2022, before this new information about the claimed patients zero was available, but he already knew it was in the wild before November, 2019. He had ascertained it was released by June/July 2019.

This claim that patient zero fell ill in November, 2019 is an attempt to provide an accidental release cover story, blaming lax safety standards at the WIV. But that ignores the earlier detections all across Europe, North, and South America. After the attempt to blame pangolins, bats, and raccoon dogs for a zoonotic release failed, we are offered another limited hangout, still trying to divert us from the DELIBERATE release of SARS2 across the world at least by March 2019.

And that yet falls short of the reality that this coronavirus never caused a pandemic, and isn't even as deadly as the flu. If SARS2 really caused deadly disease and a pandemic of deaths, how could it have been circulating since March, 2019 without even being noticed? Why do we only know it was out there from sewer samples? SARS2 was not engineered to kill people. It was engineered to create a reason for the jabs, that do kill people, and do a lot more experimental introductions of nanotechnology that DARPA had to test in people. That's why the jabs were so variable, why ~5% of the lots of jabs from all manufacturers caused 100% of the deaths. That's why some of the lots don't even have mRNA payloads at all.

IMG source - Karen Kingston

The jabs were tests of a variety of devices with military significance, and that's why the FDA, CDC, and NIH didn't contract with Pfizer. The US military did. Not only were the jabs coercively pushed on people in violation of the Nuremberg Principles, but biological warfare weapons were being tested on people who could not consent to participating in tests of bioweapons, because they thought they were being vaccinated for Covid19.

That's why SARS2 was created and deliberately released.

When we look back at the lies hiding lies, hiding more lies, and the identical tyrannical oppression imposed globally, of locking down free people without any illness like they were rioting prisoners, forcibly masking everyone like prisoners in Gitmo despite decades of research showing masks do not prevent viral transmission, why every motorcycle accident was claimed to be a Covid19 death with hypercycled PCR detection of the least fragment of SARS2, and why the USG paid hospitals ~$50k to kill Covid19 patients with respirators and remdesivir.

Facing all the duplicity from every government, NGO, and transnational institution in the world, admitted conspiracies to lie to us about wet markets revealed when they fall back to accidental release from the WIV by hapless virologists, just where can we draw a line and say 'I'll believe there was a conspiracy this far, but not past that'?

JFC these psychopaths are evil. On top of turning us all into bioweapons medical test subjects, particularly insistent on jabbing that shit into kids, they're trying to chemically castrate all our kids, turn them into nude dancers in gay bars, and in the meantime ~8M children disappear every year while Ghislaine Maxwell is convicted for sex trafficking children to... nobody.

Is it crazy to say these bastards released SARS2 on purpose? No. At this point it's crazy to assume they're not eating babies for breakfast. It's insane to fall for their crap at all, to even suspect Epstein or Mcaffee killed themselves, or SARS2 was accidentally released, or that 9/11 wasn't signed off on by Bush and Cheney. They're all in on it, the Clintons, Trump, Biden, Putin, Ji, Andrews, Castro, all the national leaders that imposed the same lockdowns, social distancing, and masks, insisted on jabbing little kids, making boys wear dresses, and dance in gay bars, all the TV news talking heads from every channel, from RT and Fox, CNN and BBC, alike. Everyone that ever spoke at the WEF, every head of state, and every goddamn reporter.

Hang 'em all.

0.064 PAL


a great comedy-tragedy of this century. I guess now from year to year we will find more and more truth about that great lie.

"Hang 'em all" - nice words..

0.000 PAL

I wish they deserved better. A better world is coming in the wake of this troubled era. I doubt I will be able to see it come to arise, but hope for my sons they can help birth it. When humanity has attained to the vast reaches of space and the illimitable resources they avail, and our posterity creates of them inconceivable wealth in absolute freedom, then, rather than Machiavellian manipulation, kindness and consideration to one another will be the most valuable skill people can have, in the lonely vastness between our number.

Then those that have discounted people, have scoffed at kindness and ruled with iron in blood, they will have only regrets, and those they sacrificed for their power will rejoice that their goodwill is rewarded by the respect of their peers.


0.000 PAL

Trust me, McAfee killed himself.

0.000 PAL

If anyone ever demonstrated they weren't suicidal and had no intention of ever offing themselves, it was Mcafee, who even got tattooed with the word 'Whackd' to forestall claims he had committed suicide if he was ever offed. He created a cryptocurrency of that name to create a blockchain within which, presumably, the 31 GB's of data was contained, just as the BTC blockchain contains NFTs, ordinals, and even a chat platform, Nostr.

I absolutely do not take your word over his on this matter.

0.000 PAL

No presumably allowed. That's like saying trust me on a Rivera special of Al Capone's vault. You should know better, just like you should know better that he wasn't the type of man who lived a life that was going to end with them bringing him down to his knees, set as an example. He'd rather went out making people like you believe that he was just that important enough they'd whack him. He wasn't important enough in that regard. He was though important enough to finally bring him to shame before the public eye and he was never going to allow that to happen. You can take a lot of things from someone but what they represent in strength against their opposition is a whole different matter. He went out dying with his own dignity and strength, they didn't get to take that from him. That way he lives on in your mind forever. If you have never been in such a self proposition you wouldn't understand it.

0.000 PAL

Srs question. Are you bipolar?

0.000 PAL

You so insure in your rational that all your hero's got taken out when in reality a man that spent his life pulling bluffs did exactly that to you.

0.000 PAL