EN/UA CCC's Street Art Contest #119. Where are you, girl from Mariupol? / Де ти, дівчина з Маріуполя?
Hello, dear friends!
And once again I'm taking part in the next tour of the amazing GRAFITTE CONTEST initiated by @digi-me. I photographed this wonderful mural in mid-October in the city of Mariupol ... We took our little granddaughter Rita there to the Oriental Dance Competition ... This trip was exactly on my anniversary, and my granddaughter gave me a gorgeous gift - 2 cups and 2 gold medals for their performances...
When we were returning home, in Zaporozhye, my daughter stopped the car to buy something to eat in a cafe ... And here I saw this mural - a girl with an empty cage and a flying bird ... Obviously, the girl let her go free as her own dream...
And then the war began and almost all of Mariupol was destroyed by rashists... Does this house exist at the moment, maybe there is no trace left, but only a photograph in my computer?! (((Where are you, girl from Mariupol?
Thanks to everyone who visited my post, for comments and likes!!!
Join, friends, to this wonderful competition: https://hive.blog/hive-184784/@digi-me/ccc-s-street-art-contest-f2fa06c5a3275
Thanks to the authors: @digi-me, @trincowski, @heroldius, @tobetada, @arcange, for the development and support of the competition. The post was written specifically for CCC's Street Art Contest
Sincerely, @valentinaboroday
Привіт, мої любі друзі!
І знову я приймаю участь в наступному турі чудового КОНКУРСУ ГРАФІТІ, ініційованому @digi-me.
Цей чудовий мурал я сфотографувала в середиі жовтня у місті Маріуполі... Ми туди возили меншу онучку Ріточку на Конкурс Східних танців... Ця поїздка була саме в мій ювілей, і онучка мені зробила шикарний подарунок - 2 кубки та 2 золоті медалі за свої виступи...
Коли ми поверталися додому, в Запоріжжя, донька зупинила машину, щоб купити в кафе чогось поїсти... І тут я побачила цей мурал - дівчина з пустою кліткою і злітаюча пташка... Вочевидь, дівчина випустила її на волю, як свою мрію...
А потім почалася війна і Маріуполь рашисти зруйнували майже всей... Чи є зараз цей будинок, чи може й сліду не осталось, а тільки світлина в моєму компі?!((( Де ти, дівчина з Маріуполя?
Приєднуйтесь, друзі, до цього чудового конкурсу: https://hive.blog/hive-184784/@digi-me/ccc-s-street-art-contest-f2fa06c5a3275
Дякую всім, хто відвідав мій пост, за коментарі та апи!!!
З повагою, @valentinaboroday
What a great mural @valentinaboroday, I loved the message. It's always nice to come across so much art. Thanks for sharing. Great find....🌈
Thank you very much for the kind words!
Beautiful wall. And to think that now it may be destroyed by the madness of Men. I still can't believe that the War has returned to Europe and continues. If only this work had been the only thing destroyed... 🙏 Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.
Yes ... The Russians are definitely crazy, they don’t understand that retribution for their atrocities is not far off! Thank you for your attention and support!
Such a luck the car was stopped to eat something and you spotted this amazing work 😊😎
Love everything about this one. The cage, the bird that flies away… the woman and her coat.
Great find.
Thanks for sharing @valentinaboroday 👋🏻😊 happy Monday!
Thanks for the warm feedback, @littlebee4! Happy Monday and all week to you!
You are welcome 👋🏻😊 always!
Thank you so much 🤗 enjoy yours too.
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