My against for gambling habit. This is my entry to the week contest.


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Betting or Naira betting

Betting is one of the games that thousand of people in the world consider a fun and rewards to their interests in football. Watching games to calm your navels is proper, it doesn't mean I should go into betting.

Gambling is one of the most delirious games that has ruined life, certainly betting attracts a lot, of interest. That is why many people today are ready to shut down billions of wealth for it.

And, of course, it can ruin and mine lives. Betting here is not just Naira betting but all that has to do with it, including card gambling, football gambling and everything associated with betting are considered gambling.

Allow me to share a very brief story, there is this neighbor of mine, who is a businessman, and also an addict to betting.

James, is one man that even if you are dying or his having the last to feed on with his children, he rather prefers to stake that money on betting. He made betting a very payment skill. James spends half of his income on gambling.

People would say, that gambling is nice, that they also benefit, but the truth remains that, at of hundred percent that I know around the world that gambled it is only but ten percent that amount to something good.

Of course, gambling such as Naira betting to me, I can say it should be put into proper check and balance by all government.

If it is possible to maintain a check and balance on how people can gamble, then it should be done

. However, it is a business and every businessman or marketer wants some patronage. People gamble optionally, it is not by force or any form of jurisdiction.

The issue is that most of the gamblers believe in one thing that they can make money so quickly at off some mischievous ways. How can someone stake a hundred Nigerian Naira to wine fifty billion Naira?

Why would someone stake thirty million Naira to wine hundreds of a million Naira? It is greed. Thirty million can go alone way to get someone a better business.

Like the case of Jame, after selling a plot of land Worth 10 million Naira, he used the money to gamble, if not for the grace of God that people were at home yesterday, he wanted to commit a suicide.

Which most people dying of heart attack today, struck and all sorts of slumping is as a result of not being able to stand the shock of losing their wealth to gambling lifestyle.

I had someone I know in my former neighborhood, called peter . I would rather not mention names but for reasons let me do so. Peter is a mechanic, his parents are farmers, the family is living below thirty dollars in Nigeria in a day. A bit as God may have it, Peter finished learning the skills and started making money.

Peter invested all he makes each day to card
gambling, image making savings of Five thousand Naira every day for fifteen years. what it would amount, Peter has invested this and even more than this in card gambling for fifteen years.

Today Peter is on the streets beginning, he's my friend no doubt, not that close, though I can't deny knowing him, sorry to mention, I was the one who founded his bills yesterday. Peter would have been doing better than me today. He had more chances in life than I do, but card gambling ruined his life.

Peter sold the first machine he got for three hundred thousand, to play card gambling. Used the plasma T v set in his home as a young man then to play card gambling, today peter has lost it all on the streets rooming about.

I took a determination that nothing can be satisfied in me by being a gambler again. I was a gambler, a highly chronic one at that, but now I am no more, I do watch football, and all sorts of games, that is for pleasure, I'm not addicted to it anymore.

Don't wait to have your experience before changing your habit.

Gambling is like putting yourself in a hole, like being addicted to drugs in a different space where you can't imagine that someone something is controlling your life and progress.

It can destroy one's progress, create a wrong headline for an individual in life in the society where he belongs, such as:

  1. Social problem: Gambling will make such, it declines your social status to the point of leading to family breakdown. Financial difficulties and cause you into having nothing in your account and turn one into a poor beggar on the render your business useless and make one homeless like the life of Peter.
  2. Health issues: Gamble is the easiest way to run physical and mental unbalanced with other delirious health issues, such as depression, lost of weight.

Because who no eat food again, belle full go shrink.

It also comes with anxiety, and leads to substance consumption such as hard drug abuse because of frustration.

Economic issues: Gambling is fully of negative outcomes in one's life and exposure one to so many economic and social effects such as, being a debtor.

This one strong o. You go turn borrower.

Begging, go be your head, pan.

I mean that every gambler is prompt to be a debtor, a beggar on the streets when they have invested all they have in gambling.

You can't create value in your society, such as increasing the rate of unemployment in the society, killing the market potentials of other values goods because you invest all your wealth into gambling like peter

  1. Shortsighted investment: Gambling habit does not allow one to explore other business opportunities, it demines your capacity to create device to make good and long-lasting assets.

  2. Crime: This one Na sure banker. You go dey tief, pick pocket, smock and do all kinds of drugs way go lead you into criminal activity because you don't finish your money for gambling hall.

English translation:
Crime: Gambling exposure one after spending all they've got into drugging, smoking, criminal activity that is harmful to the society and the gambler.

I hope say I don make point here, abeg make we help build a better society for the world, take care of are responsible, and leave the habit of gambling because no gambling money they too last.

English translation:

I hope I've made a point here, gambling weather cards, betting on football or cassio is not good for a better society, as a gambler, you are a wastage to society, I was a victim, I wasn't productive. That's how I got to know.

So gamble with sense, differentiate pleasure and wastage. Because it leads to begging on the streets and depending on friends, neighborhood, and family members for survival.

Think about this, how would you feel being humiliated for begging someone for a hundred dollars or hundreds of Nigerian Naira? And these people turned you down affected you most have wasted ten million dollars on gambling or ten million Naira on gambling. Of course, you will commit suicide and die, and the police will arrest your couples.

That is called double wahala for your body!

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0.000 PAL


Betting never results in anything good. It does more harm than good

0.000 PAL

Thank this one thing that people don't know but a belief by the time dey get to read this they will understand the implications of gambling.

0.000 PAL