Starting an Infinite Doodle with a Bang!


Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is one of the most important days of the calendar as it comemorates the women who brought us into the world and who work tireless to raise the youth of the planet.

Mother's Day takes place at the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. I thought I might use this day to launch an ambitious project called "The Infinite Doodle™."

An infinite doodle is an unbound collection of connected artworks. Each tile in the work has a unique id. The tiles are connected with adjoining tiles.

I came up with this design before NFTs. An NFT is really just an NFT. I think I could work the NFT concept into the design.

Creating this program will require a great deal of work on my part. This page will follow the design of the program.

The Chicken and Egg Problem

I want the infinite doodle to be a group project. The project flow will be as follows:

  • The program will define a tile.
  • The program will assign the tile to a doodler.
  • The doodler will, at the doodler's pleasure, create an artwork.
  • The doodler can then upload the artwork.
  • More stuff would happen.

I hope that you can see the problem.

I create the tile before the artwork is complete.

The standard NFT design ends with the creation of the artwork.

In my design I start with the creation of a unique ID. The artwork is not complete until after the creation of the token.

This has been a category killer for me.

Enter AI

I've been experimenting with AI images.

AI might solve my problem.

I could create a tile. I would then populate the tile with an image generated by AI. I could then create an NFT from the AI image.

The person who owns the first edition of the NFT would have the right to create the doodle for the tile!

Where Should I Create the NFT Collection

To get the program started I need simply create an NFT collection.

I thoguht about creating my own NFT collection on TribalDex.

I've noticed that several HIVE Tribes have implemented the NFT code.

Instead of creating my own NFT program, I thought I would see if I could build on the NFT program on one of the existing HIVE Tribes.

I think that #palent would be a great place to start. I applied for the PalNet NFT program.

It is good form to ask members of a community for their input on a project before starting the project. So, I wrote this post.

The first tile of The Infinite Doodle would be titled "The Big Bang." The PalNet NFT would have the image at the top of the page.

The owner of the first edition would have the right to create a doodle based on the prompt.

Anyway, let me know if you like the idea. Would PalNet be a good home for this project.

Is there a better home? I like #creativecoin, but didn't see the nft code on their site.

Off to Run Mother's Day Errands

I have to rush. I am off to run some Mother's Day related errands. I may not be back until tomorrow.

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