wisdom vibes


The gathering of knowledge is good

When you gather great knowledge by reading and learning how to create wealth, it helps in the making of a great men.

Men of purpose

are always men of principles.

Without workable principles, and how to change situations..
life's visions might never come to pass.

It takes discipline to disciple oneself from many temptations and self enriching things of this world.

Always try to discipline yourself so you can achieve great distinctions in your career.

your heart should focus on growth and better living for yourself and family,
Not everything should be centred on just money and wealth, most times grow people and spread love

If you chose to Fear, it makes one to be victims of mediocrity,

A champions trust, will, endurance, patience and Faith will make clear difference when trying to archive something clear and good..
fear will make you chose stagnation and let you avoid change that usually leads to good advancement and achievements.

Just know that in life, you have to make sacrifices because it is what you pursue that you will possess.
