Splinterlands: Day 2 - Life Quest, First Cent in SPS, and The Bug in the Quest Lodge


Life quest was our second-day quest. Not an easy one for a newbie like me, I can tell you that.

Starting from scratch, we had only those two summoners at our disposal.

Life Summoners

To win the battle it was needed to combine them strategically and wisely with avialable 14 Life monsters and 14 Neutral monsters.

Life Monsters

Neutral Monsters

In an effort to accomplish that not so easy task, first couple of battles were lost and our rating dropped for over a half of its previous day amount. Luckily, in the end, I managed to regain the rating.

In total, on day 2, 28 battles have been played of which 15 were wins and 13 were losses. (Seems like I am increasing the number of lost battles in comparison to the previous day. Not good!)

Day 2

SPS Token

First day we received 0.014 SPS tokens what was zero in USD value. The second day we received additional 0.008 SPS tokens, all due to the amount of DEC tokens that we are currently holding in our account, so our new total is 0.022 SPS tokens what is approximately $0.01.

SPS Token Day 2

Found First Bug or Error

We were lucky to find a free spot and joined a nice league. We were accepted although we have just started, didn't play a single battle and our rating was zero. Thank you very much to @gamecredits.org guild, it's leader and officers!

However, after we joined the guild and played our fist battles, that 1st day, we also completed our first daily quest. Unfortunately, that score wasn't recorded in the Lodge.

I still don't know why this happened!?! The lodge building wasn't on it's maximum level (in relation to the Hall building) and the needed maximum number of the quests wasn't fullfild either.

Funny thing is, that on our 2nd Day and after 2nd Daily Quest accomplishment this was finally recorded together with the accomplishment of the other team player (one hour after) by whose task completion the Quest Lodge has been upgraded to its maximum level.

So now, instead of two daily quests completed the records shows only one.

Missing Daily Quest Record

I don't know if this is some bug or error in the code, or maybe even some blockchain transaction problem, but certainly it's something that should be checked especially if the game creators in the future plans to use it giving players with more such accomplishments certain advantage.

Until next time, play smart, have fun and wish us (me) luck!

