Surviving the Bronze Robot Gauntlet and Ranking Up on a budget



Welcome to my weekly series where I will be attempting to help you survive the bronze robot gauntlet and ranking up to silver. A couple weeks ago there was a discussion going on in general chat about the pros and cons of MANY people owning thousands of bots. This discussion was ended abruptly when the mod began silencing people including Mavericks, who are supposed to have the ear of the devs. Shortly afterwards it was announced that in order to combat bots, players names would be hidden and only last 5 battles available which may hinder win trading but does nothing to most bots and eliminates a tool players were using to even the field. This left some wondering if this was just a knee jerk reaction? If they don't really understand how bots work at all? or if it was just a slap on the wrist to players for daring to complain about bots? Any good bot could pretty much care less about who you are or what your battle history is and given your rank and last 5 battles could probably make a pretty good guess who you are anyway. Any good bot is keeping battle history data, looking at its cards, the battle restrictions, and possibly what is commonly played in that situation in its database, then picking a team that wins against that commonly played combination and the most other different combinations. Here I am going to teach you to beat the bots at their own game

Twisted Jester

Winning Combinations

So as I said above the bots have their list of winning combinations, so we will need our own and the great thing about our list is for bronze most if not all of these are starter cards besides the fiends, which are somewhat optional. I have used this same list on my account and my alt test accounts to easily move through bronze and into silver.
ManaSummoner1st2nd3rd4th5th6thWin Percent
12Drake of ArnakChaos AgentCarrion ShadeDeath ElementalLife SapperFiend100
13KelyaAlbatrossIce PixieDeeplurkerFiend100
13Drake of ArnakCursed WindekuLife SapperFiend100
13ObsidianFail SummonerRegal Perytonkhmer PrincessFiend50
14Drake of ArnakCursed WindekuChaos AgentLife SapperFiend100
14ObsidianHill GiantKhmer PrincessRegal PerytonFiend75
14BortusSerpent of EldMerdaali GuardianChaos AgentFiend100
15Drake of ArnakCursed WindekuLife SapperUndead BadgerFiend100
15KelyaAlbatrossHardy StonefishChaos AgentIce PixieRiver NymphXenith Archer66.6
16Drake of ArnakCursed WindekuChaos AgentLife SapperUndead BadgerFiend100
17Thaddius BroodCursed WindekuChaos AgentDeath ElementalUndead BadgerCarrion ShadeFiend100
17KelyaAlbatrossHardy Stonefishchaos AgentIce PixieBattering RamDeep lurker80
17TarsaLiving LavaSerpentine SpyKobold MinerOozeFiend100
18Thaddius BroodCursed WindekuDeath ElementalLife SapperCarrion ShadeChaos AgentFiend100
18TarsaRadiated ScorcherChaos AgentGoblin FireballerXenith ArcherSerpentine SpyTenyii80
19Drake of ArnakCursed WindekuChaos AgentUndead BadgerSilent Sha ViCarrion Shade100
19KelyaAlbatrossHardy StonefishCruel SethropodDeeplurkerIce PixieXenith Archer66.6
19TarsaAntoid PlatoonChaos AgentSerpentine SpyTenyiiXenith ArcherFiend100
20Drake of ArnakCarrion ShadeChaos AgentRiftwingDeath ElementalUndead BadgerSha Vi100
20KelyaAlbatrossHardy StonefishCruel SethropodDeeplurkerUraeusXenith Archer75
20TarsaAntoid PlatoonChaos AgentSerpentine SpyTenyiiUraeusFiend100
21ObsidianUnicorn MustangMycelic MorphoidChaos Agentkhmer PrincessRegal PerytonFiend100
21Drake of ArnakCursed WendekuCarrion ShadeChaos AgentLife SapperDeath ElementalSoul Strangler100
21KelyaAlbatrossChaos AgentCruel SethropodDeeplurkerKulu SwimmerIce Pixie50
21TarsaChaos Agentradiated scorcherLiving LavaSerpentine SpyTenyii strikerFiend100
22TarsaXenithSpark PixiesParasitic GrowthBattering RamScavo FireboltFiend100
22Drake of ArnakCursed WendekuLife SapperUndead BadgerXenith ArcherSilent Sha ViFiend100
22ObsidianUnicorn MustangFailed SummonerMycelic MorphoidRegal PerytonKhmer PrincessFiend50
23KelyaSerpent of EldAlbatrossFeasting SeaweedMerdaali GuardianScavo HirelingHardy Stonefish100
23TarsaRadiated ScorcherLiving LavaChaos AgentGoblin FireballerSerpentine SpyTenyii66.6
24TarsaChaos AgentRadiate ScorcherLiving LavaLava SpiderSerpentine SpyTenyii100
24Thaddius BroodCursed WendekuRiftwingSilent Sha ViDeath ElementalCarrion ShadeChaos Agent66.6
24KelyaSerpent of EldAlbatrossIce PixieScavo HirelingDeeplurkerChaos Agent50
24ObsidianUnicornfailed summonerRegal PerytonKhmer PrincessChild of the ForestFiend100
25KelyaAlbatrossSerpent of EldHardy StonefishDeep lurkerKulu SwimmerIce Pixie100
25Taddius BroodCursed WendekuRift wingDeath ElementalCarrion ShadeUndead BadgerSha vi50
25ObsidianUnicornGoblin PsychicRegal PerytonKhmerFiend66.6
26KelyaSerpent of eldAlbatrossBattering RamMerdaali GuardianScavo HirelingDeep lurker100
26TarsaRadiated ScorcherLiving LavaChaos AgentDjinn ApprenticeSerpentineTenyii100
26SloanChaos knightTime MageCelestial HarpyTruthspeakerPelacor ArbalistGargoya Scrapper100
27KelyaSerpent of eldIce PixieXenith ArcherMerdaali GuardianScavo HirelingDeep lurker75
27TarsaLiving LavaTenyiiChaos AgentSerpentine SpyDjinn ApprenticeXenith Archer50
28ObsidianFailed SummonerUnicorn MustangMycelic MorphoidGoblin PsychicKhmer PrincessRegal Peryton66.6
28KelyaSerpent of EldAlbatrossFeasting SeaweedMerdaali GuardianScavo hirelingDeep lurker85.7
28TarsaLiving LavaRadiated BruteChaos AgentScavo HirelingSerpentine SpyTenyii100
29ObsidianUnicorn MustangFailed summonerRegal PerytonGoblin PsychicKhmer PrincessXenith Archer100
29KelyaDiemon sharkHardy StonefishIce PixiedeeplurkerFeasting SeaweedKulu swimhunter50
29TarsaScavo ChemistLiving LavaChaos AgentDisintegratorSerpentineTenyii75
30TarsaLiving LavaDisintegratorSerpentine SpyParasitic GrowthTenyiiFiend100
30KelyaDiemon SharkIce PixieFeasting SeaweedMerdaali GuardianScavo hirelingDeep Lurker100
30ObsidianUnicorn MustangMycelic MorphoidElven MysticRegal PerytonGoblin PsychicKhmer Princess75
99ObsidianMycelic InfantryUnicorn MustangRegal PerytonGoblin PsychicKhmer PrincessMycelic Slipspawn100
99KelyaDiemon sharkFlying SquidDeeplurkerFeasting SeaweedMantoidDisintegrator50
99TarsaGrumRadiated BruteDisintegratorSand WormSerpentine SpyTenyii100

So let me say a few more things before you are off to climb to silver. Drake of Arnak and Thaddius are interchangeble on this list, Drake of Arnak will give your unarmored death mobs and extra hit they can take in alot of cases. This is a work in progress I will be posting updates weekly because the meta is always changing. In the future I will try to make the table fit on the page better. You may be surprised by this but it is actually easier to play in Silver than Bronze.

Come rank up to silver

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0.026 PAL


Seems like an interesting post. It is hard for me to judge as I haven't played bronze in a while, but I am thinking my friend @slobberchops who struggles with the bots at Bronze maybe interested in it.

0.000 PAL

I force my way up with Yodin and his friends! Not everyone has access to those juggernauts.., a very informative post.

0.000 PAL

Very, very good post- well thought out, well written. I <3 the research and the numbers, very helpful.

One, minor, suggestion:
List of cards to rent, along with (approx.) rents- fiends, Time Mage, etc.

0.000 PAL

Thank you for the feed back. I will be sure to include this information in next weeks article.

0.000 PAL

I’m curious how the win percentage is calculated. Because I’ve played 8 games so far, each time playing a team with win percentage of 100 and my win rate is 50%. 😢. Also curious why you don’t use ooze for one man filler more frequently

0.000 PAL

More questions: 26 mana Sloan comp. why use Sloan and then only 1 range card?

0.000 PAL

the 26 Mana Sloan I think was something that beat one of my comps and I was playing around testing and it snuck in there. The Ooze issue was me trying to stick close to starter cards but you can certainly sub Ooze in for a 1 mana cost and might have better results. The percentage comes from the win loss of battles I have played with them. It was disappointing that you were not experiencing a good win rate, Guess that means I need to put in a lot more testing to the comps before next weeks article and hold off on the silver article. I do very much appreciate the feed back though it will help me improve the data.

0.000 PAL

I have a few alts I need to play. I’ll try this out.

0.000 PAL

worked for my main and two test accounts, should do fine for you. I am finding Kelya is good for alot of wins lately

0.000 PAL

I like the actual listing and order of the teams not just a generalization

0.000 PAL

Great article! I remember participating in the discussion on discord 🤣 This seems very useful!

0.000 PAL

This is pretty common in Silver too, it gets frustrating when you match up with players with the same name just different last numbers. What’s worse is that you lose the battle. It removes the fun in playing the game.

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

I love the whole terminator "Defeat-the-bots" attitude 😆
Can't say for sure if it works, but it is so much better to have a plan and deviate from it, than to just wander around with no plan!

0.000 PAL

This is very helpful

0.000 PAL

Blimey, this is useful information! Some of the data is slightly truncated on the right but I guess '10' is '100'?

0.000 PAL

Wow. Dude. This list is good. I was planning some similar things when incombat with the bots. Few combinations I can remember. But your one is pretty completed. Good jobs.

0.000 PAL