Surviving the Bronze Robot Gauntlet and Ranking Up


surviving the bronze robot gauntlet

How to survive the Bronze Robot Gauntlet? DON'T... Seriously, I recently had to get one of my account out of bronze, not just testing winning combos, get it out of bronze and my best Advice to you is get out of bronze climb to at least Gold III every season so you do not have to go back to that bronze nightmare again. Bronze is probably one of the hardest leagues in the game no modifiers on 99% of the battles and a lot of the monsters do not get their skills till higher levels, throw in hundreds of thousands of bots the can look up the most winning combos for the mana cap and allowed splinters in their database within seconds and you have a nightmare.

Twisted JesterTwisted Jester

My previous article on this subject I think a few people misunderstood or maybe I wasn't clear on what I was presenting. I was certainly not giving you the most winning combinations. I was giving you the budget friendly options with a decent win percent, so mostly starter cards. Probably not the most fun, but they will get you out of bronze in time. When I recently found myself trying to get an account out of bronze I fell back to some of the old classics that still work fairly well.

Flesh Golem Wood Nymph

Flesh Golem - for this combo you will want to have at least lvl 3 where he gets his healing ability. Currently with season pricing a level 3 is renting for about 5.25 DEC a day so you will most likely find him cheaper in the beginning season when you are trying to get out of bronze.

Wood Nymph - You really only need a level 1 you want her for the heal of course high level will have more speed and health and a level 1 wood nymph rents for 0.1 DEC.

The only other thing you will need for this combo is a level 2 earth summoner to allow you to field the level 3 Flesh Golem. The idea behind this is at bronze level most teams can not out damage the double heal on the high health golem. This will work best in lower mana battles where your opponent can not get as much damage on the board. However I have seem a fair amount of success by putting a second tank in front and keeping the nymph and golem more to middle so other mobs can wear out your opponents damage dealers before golem nymph come to the front.

Twisted JesterTwisted Jester
Mylor Crowling

Mylor Crowling - another old classic you do not see out and about as much anymore. Mylor Gives all your mobs thorns so if they are hit they do 2 damage back to the attacker. In bronze you could get away with using only a level 1, however if you get a level 2 Mylor you can pair him with flesh golem and wood nymph and at end of season prices a lvl 2 is renting for about 12 DEC.

Twisted JesterTwisted Jester

Scarred Llama Mage Kron the Undying
Scarred Llama Mage and Kron the Undying - you still see this combo used at higher levels and it will shine in bronze too. In bronze there is not a lot that is going to do enough damage to take down a last standing 12 Health Cron with his stats multiplied by 1.5 for last stand and he is healing a lot each turn. At level one the legendary Scarred Llama Mage can also field the Flesh Golem which will work as a slightly less potent Kron.

Twisted JesterTwisted Jester

I hope this helps with you struggles through the bronze bot gauntlet. As I said once you get out do not go back the game will be much easier and enjoyable if you do not. If you are not already playing, the is no time like the present come join me in Splinterlands



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