Plant white sweet potatoes and take care of papaya flowers



Plant white sweet potatoes and take care of papaya flowers

Hello friends, all plant lovers

This afternoon clearing new land to grow melons and white yams, it was a joy for me to be able to become a melon because a few days earlier I had met a landowner for rent but my good intentions failed due to the landlord finally I stopped for a while

Even so, my enthusiasm is still burning and I want the melon plants to come back with me

A friend named Zulfikar came to my shop and I asked again if his garden was rented, right? Because some of the land that I asked for was not leased, finally my good intentions, he received 4,000,000 per year.

Planting white yam

The land is very wide, it is impossible for me to work alone, there must be help from other people, and here I use the services of a brother-in-law named nekyan


To plant white yams, I don't have to worry about looking for sweet potatoes elsewhere because white yams are also available here and it's free because I already rented the land while the sweet potatoes are in the land, so in the end, the sweet potatoes are also mine


Sweet potato plants are obviously very fertile and the leaves are very beautiful so they are used as vegetables which are very suitable as marketed, but I don't want to sell them, at least it's enough for home needs because there aren't many, but the results in the harvest that will be planted will be marketed in the market bale canang later


I made this sweet potato for planting and I stored it properly so it could grow faster because the sweet potato stalks were still fresh


I deliberately did not throw away the cassava stems because I hoped that they could be used again after the soil was cleaned and ready for planting, even though some of the land was not ready and still in the process of further cleaning.


With the existing cassava stalks I try to plant little by little I hope that slowly it will become my hope in the future because remembering that the initial plants must be cared for and looked after properly so that the results at harvest are satisfying


To plant sweet potatoes, you have to pay close attention, don't turn it upside down, because the shoots are almost the same, and please be careful so that the shoots go up, not down.


In one plot of land that has been prepared, I plant left and right with a distance of one meter less, hoping that with this size not much land is wasted


For land that is not ready, I still work with a special person to clean and repair the land properly so that pests and intruding rats don't come easily


Looking at the land, I can't wait to start this, maybe it's because of my hobbies and the desire for a result that is still in my dreams, maybe because I will know what it will be like if my hobby has not been achieved and I hope that sweet potatoes can become abundant and blessed raseki

Care for papaya flowers

Papaya flowers are the result of fertile and healthy trees, this is proven by my shop and I don't plant them, but I see them grow on their own, but it's my job to take care of them so that papayas are safe and useful


Papaya flowers are the target of housewives because most of us like papaya flowers even though they taste bitter, but when combined with several other spices it will be delicious and delicious


Thank God the papaya flowers are still fresh and I myself am still happy to be able to take good care of them by flushing them and taking care of pests


The papaya tree is indeed not big but it has seen results so that in caring for it it is more happy and enthusiastic


However, I was a little disappointed to see that the papaya leaves had withered and hoped that there would be no other victims and tomorrow I would have him medicated as a special treatment so that it would not be contagious

That's my garden friends and I try to care for and maintain it properly so that the results match my hard work

This is it, friends, hopefully we will be reunited in the next post

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