Back Like I Never Left .



Yaay! Its Saturday today and you all know what time it is . You indeed guessed right , it is football 'o' clock . Last week I wasn’t able to play football because I was trying to rest. I was under the weather so I had to take a chill pill to get myself back on my feet. Grateful to the source that creates life because now I'm fit and agile for Saturday morning football with the guys . I'm not going to lie , I've missed the intense actions that comes with the gameplay.

I hit the football pitch immediately after completing my routine physical fitnesse exercises which includes push-ups, sit-ups and lifting of my dumbbells. My house to the field is a 5-10 minutes drive .

Usually when I arrive at the pitch I jog round it for about 5-10 minutes. This helps my body get prepared for the incoming intense football actions.

We normally play 5-aside sets with 10 minutes interval. Once your team concedes a goal your team is automatically out to wait and play another set. Teams are selected at random using a ballot system. This is always free and fair as everyone gets a team to play in.

Today I happened to be in team D . As a matter of fact I'm writing this after our third set gameplay. So far my team has won a set , drew one and lost one . I didn’t get a goal in the sets but I made an assist. I hope to get a goal at least in the next coming sets.

I have to go now , my teammates are beckoning at me. Do have a nice weekend and stay active Actifit Family .
