meme challenge 259 Entry #1 The score
To get vaccinated or not is the big question
Some people decide to get vaccinated and some do not want to.
It is a personal choice for many.
Yet irrespective of the choice it is very important to keep safe social distancing and wear a mask.
It is sad to see people becoming careless and flouting all the rules.
I see so many people who claim to be vaccinated and they do not wear masks, wash hands and do not maintain safe distance from others.
It is strange that despite so much suffering can we afford to be careless?
The Djokovic Saga
Novac Djokovic is not vaccinated and yet he was given am initial
vaccine exemption to travel to Australia and Play tennis.
He had claimed that since he can been ill with covid 19 in December he has developed natural immunity and should be granted exception from vaccination.
However this led to a furore amongst the local Australians who are supposed to be vaccinated.
The matter even appeared in Australian court and is a matter of heated debates in news and social media platforms.
Later the Australian government backtracked from its initial stand and cancelled his travel visa.
On a lighter note : Why is it that Djokovic is anti vaccination ?
(Think for a while and scroll down to find the answer)
Because his first name is Novac ;)
These are just my thoughts no offence to anybody
The main thinhg was showing that there are same rules for everyone, no matter what. Very good played by Australians only bad thing is that without Djokovic it will be the different thing.
Ha Ha Ha nice one: the trivia at the end