Pussycat! πŸ˜»πŸ’›πŸ€¦


Every time I take a walk with my dog, we have a cat adventure. I think I have cat phobia, I think I unintentionally attract it as energy. When we walk in the park or on the road, we encounter so many cats that this has become a serious problem for me. In fact, it has reached such a serious level that I am thinking of getting therapy for it.


Cats are such beautiful animals that I don't want to deprive myself of their beautiful energy because of this fear. We had a pet cat in our house for years when I was a child. We had many cats that we found from the street and added to our family and I loved them all very much. But about 5 years ago my friend's cat attacked me and after that day I had an incredible fear trauma against cats. Now when I see a cat on the road, I immediately change my path.


I can say that having a dog has increased this fear many times more because my dog is very bad-tempered. He can't even get along with other dogs. He is extra aggressive towards cats. I would love to have a cat in my house as well as my dog, and I hope that one day I will overcome this fear and become a family for a cat living on the street. For now, I love them from afar πŸ’›



This kitty also climbed a tree when he saw us out of fear. We are afraid of him and he is afraid of us. 🀦😻

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