Journey to myself!



There is a saying in Africa, "Be careful if the naked one gives you a shirt", isn't it a beautiful word? A word that will come in handy in every aspect of your life. When someone gives me an advice, I look at his life first, does his life match with his words? People love to talk and give advice, especially they love to impose on others what they can't do themselves just so others can feel the lack they feel! Near almost every positive person there are such negative energy vampires. First, they will come to you with a good approach, then they will pull you down quickly. I smell most of such people in life, from people who seem friendly but are actually the Enemy themselves! I come across such people from time to time, of course, there are people who laugh at my face and vomit hate inside, but take a good look at these people's eyes, eyes never lie! If you want to get to know someone, look into their eyes, make sure you see what's inside them. Because eyes are windows to the heart! Avoid such people as far as you can because they eat you up inside like a cancer cell and you don't realize anything until it's too late, they sneak up on you and finish you off!


I don't like to have too many people around me, especially I only let people I trust into my house. After seeing the betrayal of the people I come to my house to prepare a table and feed, I am much more cautious towards life now, I am more meticulous, I save only good people in my life, I only establish real relationships. Above all, I trust myself! I am someone who always takes opinions and respects every opinion, but I always make the final decision!

I've been exploring myself lately and as I progress within myself, I love myself more and trust myself more. I take firm steps forward and my compass is MY HEART! The voice inside me has always led me to the right path, the deeper I go, the bigger doors open inside me. Now I am only looking for myself.. I will continue until I find my essence! I am very excited and enthusiastic.

I wish you luck on your way too!
