Murky Road Away From Perdition (Indika Screenshots)


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If you're looking for something that's very quirky, irreverent, and collectively a mix of strange set of events while on a coming of age kind of story about a girl who is stuck dealing with serious identity issues, among a few other-worldly problems.

I'll tell its narrative, and explain what's happening through screenshots of the multiple angles, taken when she sits on a bench. Both cinematic, and gameplay footages as well. Hopefully even convince you guys to check it out, it's literally like Come and See, the video game if the Monty Python group actually made it instead.

Also, please ignore the scoreboard on the upper left. That one is somehow a running joke. No idea how it factors in the entire game, even the loading screens tell me it's useless.

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In a monastry, somewhere in the cold tandras of Russia, a Russian nun by the name of Indika has a hard time fitting in. Not only do the nuns hate her guts, they can't stand her around at times. Plus, life in the monastry is pretty mundane and lifeless.

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And mundane tasks to start with, is her delivering a basket of vegetables to the other nun, and filling up barrels with water only to be thrown away. Until her big break now.

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The boatkeeper that was supposed to get her across started acting hysterical, so she had to do a light puzzle solving before crossing over. You know I wish the real life location was known here, it just feels like a "insert random mining shaft area". You know, environmental storytelling.

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This guy, he's a doltz. Doesn't know how to shoot a rifle, can't even speak without stuttering.

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A Dostoevsky tragedy involving a train accident where one of the superiors gets impaled and then his subordinates, one cossack playing a guitar to help with his pain, the other doctor maybe gave him something that left him dying quickly. And yes, the train was sinking slowly.

Honestly, after Indika left the monastery, things have felt like they've been going on a downhill. She had to climb over multiple obstacles, go through an old mining shaft, and then have a meltdown with the devil almost taking over.

But, her savior shows up. He seems to be the nice sort, outside of looking paler than a snow bear. Gets her out of one horrible incident, which could have almost killer her.

And then sh!t gets real, soon as the train troopers show up, he shoots and injure of the officers, the guy who couldn't talk dropped his gun and is taking cover from the ensuing chaos. Indika returns the favor, by taking control of the bike, and helps him escape. Meanwhile, that doltz finally started chasing us while missing every shot.

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Circumstances have gotten from slightly stranger to crazy shootouts. She saw one of the maids being assaulted by a large man, and soon as she made a noise, she went hiding. Her savior comes in, then pulls a Friday California on the cossacks soon as they arrive.

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We only got so far, the cart carrying him sort of toppled over, it was also revealed that his injured arm might get infected and kill him if it isn't amputated yet.

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This was an endearing sequence, it's in her dreams, but showing her and her father racing with his inventions. Unfortunately, it didn't end well with her losing the invention. This might be a clue to how she got into the monastery in the first place.

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There is a mechanic where I have to interact with Jesus Christ's picture. You know, for the blessing scoreboard. Also, there's a freaky doll on the bed. Did you guys a favor not getting a closer look. Mind is scarred already as it is, on top of being chased by a giant black wolf.


What a cultured and dark game, it really has themes that make it feel like a horror game, thanks for sharing.
