Ten Years From Now!

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How do you plan to spend the next decade of your life?

My answer:

A question like this inspires me to live a more meaningful and productive life, everyday. It does encourage me to make plans and choices daily, that would impact on my future. It helps me to focus on what's really important and set the machinery rolling on how I could create the future I envision.

Life itself is a wonderful gift and I am one that would want to live a life worth living. As a dynamic young man living in an ever changing world, I know I have to plan, I know I have to set goals and I also know that nothing is permanent and a lot of things are gonna become invalid in a few years from now. I won't try to make such a grand 10 years plan, I can make it 2–3 years and starting working towards achieving it gradually.
I make goals by trying something new as they come, sift through and decide which one to pursue or not.

I try everything! I am not afraid to experiment and acknowledge what works for me.

And because I go out and try new things, I gain a lot of insights and ideas, and every day I get a clearer picture of where I want my life to head. The game plan is to make my plans relevant and achievable.

These are two very important questions I usually ask myself on a daily basis; What is success to me? Is it a certain job title or a certain amount of money? Is it being creative? Is it having a family?

I know I need knowledge to grow financially, to improve my economic status and achieve my financial goals, so in a few years from now, I hope to have mastered some skills in money-making, especially investing in digital assets, which seems to be the money of the future. I am willing now to try everything and figure it out as I go along. Then every now and then, I look at the scorecard and make necessary adjustments where necessary.

I hate routines because they could become boring, the reason I hate 9-5 jobs. I don't want to get to a point where I don't have a life or rather, life becomes one daily boring routine. A lot of people on their deathbeds never wished they have worked more but their regret is always, "I could have lived more', because then the brevity of life stares them right in the face and they are left wondering why they didn't create more time for themselves and for their loved ones. So a few years from now, I would have sacked my boss.This should give me time to live life, connect to my loved ones always and make out time for them and for myself.

There's nothing more I would wish for, more than thess!

This is my response to memoir monday

Thank you for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I admire you for living life, one day at a time while also looking ahead and planning for your future. The 9-5 lifestyle seems to make one a prisoner unless he knows how to live fully, even when in it. I wish you the best and may you be able to kick your boss out sooner :)


I wish you the best and may you be able to kick your boss out sooner

There's no better wish than this @ifarmgirl. Thank you very much 🙏


Kind regards @tranquil3
Your publication expresses a diversity of considerations, all of them valuable and derived from a common origin which is ipseity, as recognition and value of the being, of the inner self. Therein lies the richness of your steps on the existential path, what identifies you, what generates pleasure, what makes you happy. Although a priori it may seem to us that our purposes resemble and imprint similarities with those of others, they are incomparable and very much our own, inherent and exclusive to our intentions. Giving yourself the opportunity to experiment is of great value because you flow in dynamism, that which opens you to other views and experiences allowing you to learn, unlearn and relearn with your actions.
Thank you for your reflective contribution to our community and we take this opportunity to invite you to our weekly calls, we leave you the link of the current one in case you wish to participate Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Health and wellness for you and yours !LUV

Saludos cordiales @tranquil3
Tu publicación expresa una diversidad de consideraciones, todas ellas valiosas y derivadas de un origen común que es la ipseidad, como reconocimiento y valor del ser, del yo interior. Ahí radica la riqueza de tus pasos en el camino existencial, lo que te identifica, lo que te genera placer, lo que te hace feliz. Aunque a priori nos parezca que nuestros propósitos se parecen e imprimen similitudes con los de otros, son incomparables y muy nuestros, inherentes y exclusivos a nuestras intenciones. Darte la oportunidad de experimentar es de gran valor porque fluyes en dinamismo, ese que te abre a otras miradas y experiencias permitiéndote aprender, desaprender y reaprender con tus acciones.
Gracias por tu aporte reflexivo a nuestra comunidad y aprovechamos para invitarte a nuestras convocatorias semanales, te dejamos el link de la actual por si deseas participar Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.


Thank you very much @marilour, I feel highly honoured getting this introspective comment from you. I'll definitely join in the prompt.


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