A Better World!

Photo by Adera Abdoulaye Dolo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-cute-little-boy-smiling-15538193/

This post is in response to ericvancewalton's post

How is life different today compared to when you were a child?

My answer:

Yes, there's a very vast difference between now and when I was a child, majority of the differences are for the better because it has actually made life more enjoyable and more stress-free.
One area that I have really come to appreciate so much, is the advancement of technology. Infact technology has advanced significantly that the world has become a global village, where distance ceases to be a barrier in getting anything done. The rise of smartphones and the advent of the internet has proved to be huge game changers. With the internet, we now have so much wealth of information at our fingertips coupled with the fact that one could connect to anyone, anywhere in the world.

I remember how it took weeks for my Uncle in the U.S.A to receive our letters and sometimes the letters even got missing in transit, after the whole stress of queueing at the Post Office for hours. But now with my smartphone and the internet, and in a matter of few seconds, we could pass across a whole lot of information between us....wow.
There have also been significant advancements in areas like renewable energy, healthcare, and space exploration.

Home appliances have undergone significant advancements as well, household tasks are now easier to accomplish making life easier for all. Using traditional methods like the grinding stone for tasks like grinding peppers, tomatoes and even beans was very labour intensive and time consuming, I dreaded it like a plague, but electric blenders and food processors have made these tasks super easy.
Then the air-conditioning system keeps the heat away, especially during the hot seasons.
The adoption of Solar energy is gradually taking over in Africa, the Land of Sunshine and I know that in so short a time, it would fully provide a decentralized energy source, as technology continues to advance.

One of the things I miss though was how we were a close-knit community in those days, everyone looking out for everyone, offering support, empathy and a sense of belonging; One man's problem was everyone's problem. And methinks that heavy reliance on technology could be one of the factors responsible for decreased relationship with one another. People are glued to their phones and the internet that no one has the time for a face-to-face interaction anymore.

Crime was at a minimal level back then, you could pull over to help an accident victim, you could even offer a total stranger in distress, shelter in your home without any fear. But pulling those Good Samaritan stunts over here could get you into serious trouble. Too bad!

A most unwelcome development between now and when I was a child is the lack of home training and parental discipline. Children are born foolish and except they are diligently guided in the right direction, they would miss out on becoming responsible humans. Children are now so lazy that they can hardly carry out any form of household chores, they are rude and have no respect for their elders. Inculcating discipline and parental guidance must be a part of family life, teaching children responsibility and making them contribute to the upkeep of the home. But In today's busy world, I just wish that parents wouldn't be so busy that they fail to see the dangers involved in failing to instill a sense of responsibility and morality in their kids.
In this era of technological innovations, parents should also help inculcate the right values in their children so that it would be a better world for all.

Thank you for the challenge @ericvancewalton.


Yeah...now life is totally changed compared to the old days 😀


That's true 👍... Thank you very much.
