Please, take seat...
...because you are going to wait for very long, long time to see me again using your services.
I am not going to tire of repeating it, crypto wallets are not nominative, either Cold or Hot, software or Hardware...
Crypto IS NOT MONEY as long as your Country's Laws does not recognize it as an official monetary unit, so your "non-nominative" wallet cannot Fiscally Charged you unless, you pay attention to the false managers who tell you that you must pay taxes for them and provide your data to third parties. This goes against the definition of Cryptocurrency and decentralization.
Make no mistake, BINANCE is the number 1 wallet in the Top100 BTC Richlist, its movements and manipulations are so great that they have put the traditional financial system in check more than once and for that reason they can pay the consequences.
That is why, in an act of constriction, they want to appear to be in favor of the authorities, in order to maintain their hegemony while the rest of us pay for their mistakes.
We have relatively little left to obtain a real FINANCIAL DECENTRALIZATION, do not screw it up now, it is worth the effort.
*Disclaimer: This is just my personal point of view, please, do your own assessment and act consequently. Neither this post nor myself is responsible of any of your profit/losses obtained as a result of this information.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bueno, ya me parece honrado eso de que solo vayas poder sacar tu dinero... A mi cuando estaba empezando en me dejaron hacer todo, absolutamente todo menos sacarlo. Me hirvio la sangre de sobra como para fuera una y no mas...
En FTX estoy mas agusto que en brazos y en la red Solana estan saliendo soluciones DEX con apalancamiento.
FTX requiere de KYC?
No, ni para operar con apalancamiento. Solo si vas a retirar +2000$ al dia y ni eso, porque segun volumen comercies te suben ese limite 😅
Y hay para operar perpetuos una buena lista...
Trade destroyed all crypto idea. Like trade created most of our problems. Do you any trade-free crypto?
so? why you are in HIVE?
Trade provides the accountant value of any good
Trade created an illusion to all hiver users to that it has a value. I am the same reason as you are
The only reason i keep using Binance it's for they lower fees, but they have been really annoying with the account verification.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Kucoin has the same low fees, and for the moment, there is no need of KYC
Do you think they really provide financial offices in every country with all our transactions data?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't know what they can do