The Prisoner of Extreme Emotions...



Does your wailing soothe the storm within, we cry when we’re suffering in severe pain, are we feeling relieved even if you bear it in a foppish way
Does your wailing soothe the storm within, those tears fall freely like a river of sorrow but does it wash away those aches in your bones
Does your wailing soothe the storm within, each sob you plea, with those desperate confession, the hurt still remains those wounds being stubborn and wide
Does your wailing soothe the storm within, your voice trembles with fear and sorrow wanting to be released, your body shoulders seeking solace in the storm you created…

Will this release from every pain and sorrow makes you feel better, is the weight of grief truly lessened thrown upon another’s openness
Will this release from every pain and sorrow makes you feel better, does breaking your silence, that fury you unleashed turning into agony lessens your burning heart
Will this release from every pain and sorrow makes you feel better, does these feeling linger, does it fester or does it grows deeper with every despairing call
Will this release from every pain and sorrow makes you feel better, pause a moment, just step aside and just listen ,and be a witness on how their suffering fills the air…

I hope this unblinded release makes you feel better from your peace to mine, with their anger spills like a shattered glass, with their words cutting deeper that the wound they bear
I hope this unblinded release makes you feel better from your peace to mine, still they lash and rage from the burden clings tightly, never lighter, never always fair but keeps them at a bay
I hope this unblinded release makes you feel better from your peace to mine, watch how firey they consume them, how screaming for answers, for peace they claim was stolen away
I hope this unblinded release makes you feel better from your peace to mine, but in their fury, their torment, the answers lies in the bubble of extreme emotions that can justify the chaos they weave…

Would feeling lighter helpful than simply letting go, stop-breathing-listen in fury clearances of doubt, you could moan, you could groan in the sickness in your heart, all-consuming your silence
Would feeling lighter helpful than simply letting go, could you take it more, even when those echoes fade, even when silence is still looming while you find yourself drowning in regret
Would feeling lighter helpful than simply letting go, just cry if you must but let it be a whisper not a storm that shatters all you see from the borrowed time but not a place to be
Would feeling lighter helpful than simply letting go, speak your sorrow but let your words be measured not just through instant gratification rising from pain,
Would feeling lighter helpful than simply letting go, but let them pass do not let them stay that could turns into chains that bind the soul to regret after- for the answers in quiet, is the only truth you only need to know…

Tears may fall, sorrow may visit choosing to release it
It lingers, we guard it like treasure, pure we keep
Pain is like a thief, stealing your moments of joy long and deep
Feeding from it makes it stronger, hungrier and even more demanding


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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