Taste that I needed to Get...
Experience can bring you freedom beyond the time given to you
Experience can make you a lot of different kinds of fun to share
Experience can help you get started to a new formed happiness…
Nothing can change your mind about the way you live your life
Nothing can bring you joy today other that the happiness of today
Nothing can come easy for the reason of your own reason…
How many more years will give you challenges to overcome before the next
How many more months will it take me to complete the rest that I needed
How many more weeks will it take me to develop the taste that I needed to get…
I am now going to keep my head up high until it’s something that I want to explore
I am now looking for a new kind of adventure that keeps me inspired
I am now looking for the life I might like that will make my dreams completely mine…
New kind of adventure
Doubt that it might keep
Life with better results
The way you live
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