Something That is Worthwhile...
When the days that I needed to give up for the rest of the day, I couldn’t
When the days that I needed to do more to be more, I couldn’t
When the days that I needed to get focused, I didn’t…
From the ways I felt confused, I still want to keep on learning
From the ways I felt not myself anymore, I still want to keep believing
From the ways, I felt all regrets s as long the way, I still want to express it…
How would I explain myself to someone if I can’t even express myself?
How would I know myself deeply if I can’t even be present?
How would I feel important if I couldn’t even give importance to my undertaking…
How would I know if I was going through the process of making it work
How would I know if I was getting into something worthwhile?
How would I know if I was being more than just what I can become…
Process of making it work
Importance to my undertaking
Want to keep believing
To keep on Learning
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