I always dreamed of...




I couldn’t help but wonder the time that has passed by that’s too valuable
I couldn’t help but wonder the time that came by that was forgotten
I couldn’t help but wonder about the time that has passed since I was younger
I couldn’t help but wonder the time that came by that was not too difficult…

The thing that came into mind is when I have everything that I could give
The thing that came into mind is when I think I could achieve everything
The thing that came into mind is when I think I can learn everything
The thing that came into mind is when I hoped for better results…

Same ways that I could easily be someone I’ve always dreamed of
Same ways I could easily be somebody who can help to achieve their dreams too
Same ways that I could easily be the perfect daughter to a hard-working mother
Same ways that I could easily be the kinder one to others who value lifelong dreams…

But it came to the point that I was also tired of seeing myself as only hoping
But it came to the point that I was also feeling alone and working without a purpose
But it came to the point that I was also never enough to make this dream come true
But it came to the point that I was also scared and shying away others from carrying this burden too…

Achieve their dreams too
I could achieve everything too
Time that was forgotten
That values lifelong dreams


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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