Extremely Exploring Myself...
I see ways to be a part of the world with a bigger purpose
I see ways to be more important than my bigger goals
I see ways to be different and unique in my ways to express myself…
Knowing what I’m doing makes me feel like I’m doing something right
Knowing what I’m capable of is never easy but challenges you to know yourself
Knowing what I’m not supposed to be doing is showing what I’m not…
I want to be able to make things better than they are supposed to be
I want to be able to help people see their potential without them realizing it
I want to be able to fulfill nothing someone else’s dream, but mine…
I don’t want to be stuck while fulfilling just the dream but forgetting the real purpose
I don’t want to be just around my mind picking what’s next and just exploring
I don’t want to do just the dream, but make choices for you and the real life you want…
Not forgotten the real purpose
They are supposed to be
Showing what I’m not
My ways to express myself