Completely Unordinary...



What makes your morning complete beyond your ordinary day?
What makes your night special beyond your ordinary ending day?
What makes your day so comfortable that is beyond any other day?
What makes your rest day different that is beyond your rest exceptional…

From the start of the week, I wanted to make sure that I could start feeling great
From the start of the month, I wanted to achieve something that was achievable
From the start of the day, I wanted to have that routine that makes it familiar
From the start of the year, there is a certain goal in mind that makes you inspired…

Perhaps the most important goal of the day is to accomplish something more
Perhaps the most important goal of the week is to complete the week consistently
Perhaps the most important goal of the month is counting your efforts
Perhaps the most important goal of the year is getting closer to your biggest dream…

Steps are sometimes never noticeable, but it’s okay as long as there are small steps
Mistakes are sometimes noticeable, but in the bigger picture it doesn’t matter at all
Progress is sometimes the positive thing to think about when you’re confused and unable to decide
But patience is your biggest reward for counting and making every day count…

Doesn’t matter at all
Making every day counts
Accomplish something more
Could start feeling great


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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