Repurposing Works Because It Saves Time & Builds Your Brand



Evergreen content always seemed like a mystery to me.

Until I figured out it just meant content that can be reused for a LONG time, and from a marketing perspective, also includes promoting evergreen products.

This type of 'evergreen' content totally works and is very reusable.

Each daily post is my journey of delivering value to my subscribers. Let's dive in! 😀

Step 1: Review Plan of Attack and Today's Calendar. Think.

Today my content calendar says has: "Email broadcast adboard #2".

For today's email to this list, I really want them to join my "AutoResponder Secrets" list that's been doing so well. I think the material on that list would benefit them, and help my advertisers once they DO get someone to click on their ad.

Hopefully, they are sending the traffic to a lead capture page of their own. :)

Since I need to repurpose material when possible, I wanted to give my subscribers a 'taste' of what's on the AutoResponder Secrets list.

Creating a post where great content is shared sounds like a real way to showcase value. Let's run with it.

Planning done. I know what to write. :)


Step 2: Take action from Step 1 Planning.

Alright. Action time.

I slightly modified the email so that it was personable and addressed the MyTrafficToday crowd. These folks have been with me the longest, and I appreciate that. I want them to feel special.

The screenshot above is the beginning of the email that I sent out.

As you can see I also include my image in every one so that folks know WHO is emailing them, AND it builds my brand.

That email also includes only one lonely link at the bottom to my AutoResponder Secrets Lead Capture Page.

Eliminating choices eliminates confusion.

Let's see how this email turns out to the subscribers.

Step 3: Document and re-use.

Done. I used a previous post from my AR list as the raw material to create today's broadcast to my other list.

This type of 'sneak peak' material is great when you want folks from one list to cross over, like I do. :)

What did YOU do to promote yourself today? Let's CHAT y'all!

I'd love to hear how you did on your business promotion today as an entrepreneur. What do you do daily to promote yourself, your brand, and your business?

Let's start a conversation below! Leave a comment.

Cya tomorrow!

-Rob W.

P.S. If you'd like to sign up for the AutoResponder Secrets list I talk about as part of my #transparent series, I'd love it. That link is to my opt-in page, and I'd love to see you on my free list. Thanks!


I am still in the learning stage. Learning a thing or two daily. Today got some materials from your post. 👌
