Exposing the Jedi Mind Pricks in this Land of Confusion called HIVE.

At a recent discord chat on PAL, @ura-soul has shown that azircon is a $ociopath and why the HIVE social dApps cannot grow in any meaningful way that encourages true freedom of expression. (Why we can't have nice things.)
If there were a way to defang the stake on accounts that abusively downvote, that would discourage the activity. @azircon, you have a lot of people who close ranks around you because of your stake power. They actively make excuses for your reward-censorship tactics and the targeted downvoting campaigns that you run against others on the blockchain.
Then some of these folks in the leet class of HIVE have a nice little chuckle about it. They say things like, well, this whiney person must be "all about the rewards."
That kind of talk is bullsh!t and the furthest thing from the truth ever. 95% of people who blog at this chain gang would have to be insane to do it for the money. The contribution for most, including myself, is much more than the rewards received in return.

So when you f#ck around with the meager peanuts this place throws at the content creators, it pisses people off to the nth degree. It's not because you're stealing a fraction of what we ought to be getting in return for the time we spend growing the social dApp. It's the fact that you and a handful of other talentless f#ckwits have the audacity to null 99.8% of stakeholders who weighed in on a post, whether it was done manually or by proxy.
Now, sure, you can say that dPOS means that you get to do whatever you want with your stake, that the law of the jungle in the jungle is that you get to eat whatever you can kill, and that's perfectly fine. You can think in that way. However, there's nothing good that can come from that mentality. What you are doing is 10,000 times worse than when people were upvoting their daily candle charts. I'd rather see you upvote yourself grossly, as they were doing, that instead of downvoting those who aim to add quality content.

Go and have your way with the reward pool instead of executing valuable content creators. You've made it completely obvious in this chat that you're not operating with any scruples anyhow. Stop pretending like you give a sh!t about the platform or that you're doing the chain a public service and go f#ck (upvote) yourself. I've seen you destroy one too many content creators where I think everyone should give you carte blanch to the reward pool.
If you're going to steal potential rewards, steal them from the reward pool. And if people accuse you of stealing from the reward pool, tell them you didn't do it. Tell them that they're not your rewards until after seven days and that if they want to do something about it, they can downvote you. Why don't you pick on stakeholders your-own-size and in that way? Then see how popular you are instead of having your peers laugh at your prey.
If you're going to tax the people, tax the entire f#cking system, and then when it's pennies coming out of their pockets, do I get to say, oh, it must be "all about the rewards?"
Is it about the $$$ or the principle? Do you seem to care what people think? Stop downvoting people. Go and make a bunch of socks and upvote them. In short order, those same people accusing lowly content creators of being "all about the rewards,"
we'll see them bitch about the pennies getting taken from their pocket after the reward pool pilfering.
I don't respect it, and I don't respect you. And I don't have any faith in the people you vote for as witnesses if your vote causes them to do the mental gymnastics that you'd like to see from them. More specifically, the type of gymnastics that cause them to ridicule those on the receiving end of your downvotes. Put us all on the receiving end, take it directly from the pool instead of trying to spirit-kill content creators. See how popular your miserable a$$ will be when you've turned the whole chain against you.
Hello, i'm reading and responding with rebuttals. Congrats on receiving no downvotes by the way.
I have nice things on here & they are growing. Perhaps not as meaningfully or in a purely free manner of expression as it could... Yet I have minimal qualms with this rate of growth personally.
Time in real life is incomparably more meaningful when you are able to express yourself in a pure, truthful manner. Time spent online here nitpicking over how we are unable to encourage true freedom of expression (whilst not a waste of time by default) is a more tenuous task with less clear goals behind its purpose.
There are many ways to neuter downvoting whales but for the sake of any tentative progress already achieved, I would ask that "abusive" be a term whose definition was up for an extensive, open debate.
Still need to make solid the definition of reward-censorship as to me it's vague enough for open interpretation. Targeted downvoting is not vague and I can understand the form n function of that.
That's great!🤗
It pissed me off that they were targeting @ura-soul so readily. Outside of that I am not sure an equivalent time spent for growing hive vs time spent using hive and it's dApps has been a question for quite some time on hive.
Correct me if i'm wrong as I'm making such a statement due to the biggest growth factor for hive being #splinterlands and the 2nd-layer, Hive-engine-like dApps which are rapidly expanding.
Bit of a presumption. Mentalities online either exist in a shared virtual space and form communities together, or they don't. There's nothing good that can come from presenting a particular set of mentalities as nothing good for HIVE's dAppmosphere because of their downvoting behaviour unless they are rampant trolls a.la Bernie Sanders and the like.
ambivalent on this one. I don't want my friends who publish quality work here punished for little to no reason and have their rewards disintegrate. On the contrary, I don't see anything good coming from upvoting your own content if it's just upvote bait and/or curation trail bait content you publish.
How were they destroyed? also don't remember @azircon big-noting himself as a public service?
the clearest you've been explaining your arguments and delivered with conviction too. Not sure about saying spirit kill but hey, i'd like to learn more on this and "reward-censorship"
Thanks for your input!
If 3-4 stakeholder votes can remove the rewards
of 400-500 Hive-folk, I see it as a form of reward
censorship that took place on the post. Spirit-kill
is the type of demoralization people might feel
from either demonetization or reward censorship.
Esp when it's a small hand full that override many.
I like the term "spirit-kill"
I am glad that money is not real wealth, and that Hive allows us to create actual wealth, that goodwill our community develops and blesses each the other with, that cannot be stolen, cannot be flagged, and underlies all the best creations we can undertake.
Well said. Good to see you,
v-c, I hope all is well w/ya?
Good to see you as well. I note you remain as forthright and invigorating as ever =)
I am as well as can be expected, and far better than deserved.
While I observe looming global oppression, I am more convinced than ever of our eventual primacy over overlords dependent on parasitism. They just can't dodge physics, and by every possible metric, the host outperforms parasites, who cannot outperform their prey without committing suicide.
This makes me happy every day.
That's what I'm saying! Dog save the worms when the
people do their Ivermectin impression, cause we won't.
Glad to see your will is sharp and you aim for victory!
Yeah! let's do this with more crafty tactics and a crushing Sense Of Humor.
Cuz we are definitely witnessing way too many Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes in this place lately.
But hey, if you also want to hear a more serious proposal and owlish strategy. Then let's check this TEDx video below first. };)
Great Ted talk, I like the way he thinks!
Excellent! Now go to take your WED's dose of Sense Of Humor. Hahahaha
It doesn't say much coming from an
overrewarded demotivator who chases
the quality content creators off the chain.
Thank you, Sir Bacon!
And if he can't be arsed down voting your posts himself he will get about 60 of his FAKE ACCOUNTS to do it instead...
Yes all my rewards are being removed - and so are all my investments in Hive from all my accounts...
And I don't care if I'm assisting an evil plan to drive all the real bloggers off, and replace them with fake accounts that the insiders control so they can take the whole reward pool themselves.
I already live in a dictatorship in NZ - screw blogging on one!
Don't you worry. Azicron has the juju✨ on him now.
Normally I would not have, I merely honored his wish.
Magick has no take backsies. I Hope it didn't go to far.
It was a defensive move to protect the good HIVE-folk.
Soon he'll be subject to the nurture of his very nature.
He'll mold his future event from yesterday on forward.
It will be either his biggest blessing or greatest hexing.
It's outta of my hands. Eris and her kids are crazy AF!
haha well Azircon does seem quite a cunt with his missives issued like curatorial edicts upon the plebs in the plebchain. Poor fellow is exercising the powerful grasp on other users. Such a serious, powerful reply post displayed for all us plebs suggests that what he enjoys is a unassailable position in his unassailable realm.
Such a dry and orderly curator-edict missive reply post indicates to me a very narrow, focused and tenuous lording over this realm, likely because the real world is extremely broad, blurry and plague-ridden.
The King of Rats on Hive yet just another plague rat of billions in real life. Get your ascension any way you can and hold on for dear life (virtual or otherwise).
Even a blockchain can fray at the seams, tear and rip. Imagine the anguish if your King of Rats role that's so haughtily powerstomping across our chain became worthless?
I hope you would have a back up plan Mr Mouse! Diversify your portfolio to mitigate devastating risks!
Much love and blessings 😘