Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #36

Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone!

Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!

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Photo provided by @grindan

We're back with another writing prompt, and the rules to participate are simple:

  • ✌️ Share your take in Thoughtful Daily Post Community
  • ✌️ Follow the Community Guidelines
  • ✌️ Have fun! (Unless you don't want to 👀)
  • ✌️ Include a link to your post on this prompt so we don't miss you!

Although there is no formal prize for this prompt, we do want to take the time to appreciate high quality posts. To celebrate the authors in our community, a random selection of HBI/SBI will be gifted to those who present exceptional responses!

Confused on what SBI/HBI is exactly? You can read all about it here!

Prompt #35 was a way to show everyone how you strive to stay connected with others. There were some great posts, and I would like to also let you all know I see you interacting with each other in the replies... that's awesome! I would remind you to please be sure you've read the community's guidelines. As well as the rules for each prompt! So then... a thank you goes out to:

@repayme4568 - @mercmarg - @amiegeoffrey - @hopestylist - @whatmidesays - @graat

Snapshot from thoughtfulposts Wallet

I have also sent each one of you 1 Drawmatic Share! If you don't know what I am referring to, you can check out this awesome initiative created by @yaziris here:

Alright, without further ado...

Weekly Prompt

Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams... the two astronauts that were stranded in space, finally made it back to Earth. Have you ever been away from family or friends, for an extended period of time? How did you stay in contact, and what was the first thing you did when you got back to them?


We look forward to seeing what our weekly prompt inspires in the community this week! Happy writing, and thoughtful on! 😎


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨

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From Thoughtful Thursday Prompt, we express our gratitude to all our participants, to those who remain constant and recurrent to our calls and in unison to those who are joining us. It is you, with your life stories and experiences, who bring us closer and nurture the value of growing in reflective association, in this temporality that keeps us united through threads of goodness, to mutate and evolve individually and collectively, transcending in living with motivation and solidarity.
Gratitude, which we express to you with care and assiduity, again and again at every meeting, is our guiding rod because it keeps our bonds with you strong and healthy. We thank you for your presence, we thank you for your contributions, we thank you for your health, and we thank you for overcoming adversity. Always be thankful to be thankful, so that wellbeing may multiply and spread without limits. By reflecting with you in a network of experiences, we strengthen conscious, critical, and meditative thinking in the reciprocity of exchange, to achieve cohesion in cooperation as fellow human beings, in the metamorphosis of life.
We warmly thank our outstanding Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #35 participants: @repayme4568 - @mercmarg - @amiegeoffrey - @hopestylist - @whatmidesays and @graat.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the additional gifts contributed by our admin-founder @wesphilbin, are already in your wallets at your disposal. Health and wellness !LUV !HUG

Desde Thoughtful Thursday Prompt, les expresamos nuestro reconocimiento a todos nuestros participantes, los que se mantienen constantes y recurrentes a nuestras convocatorias y al unísono los que se van sumando. Son Ustedes, con sus historias de vida y experiencias, los que aglutinan y nutren el valor de crecer en asociación reflexiva, en esta temporalidad que nos mantiene unidos a través de hilos de bondad, para mutar y evolucionar individual y colectivamente, transcendiendo en el vivir con motivación y en solidaridad.
La gratitud, que a desparpajo y con asiduidad les expresamos, una y otra vez en cada encuentro, es nuestra biela guía, porque es ella la que mantiene nuestras conexiones fortalecidas y saludables, con Ustedes. Agradecemos su presencia, agradecemos sus contribuciones, agradecemos su estado saludable, agradecemos como han superado la adversidad. Agradecer siempre agradecer, para que el bienestar se multiplique y difunda sin límites. Al reflexionar con ustedes en una red de vivencias, afianzamos el pensamiento consciente, crítico y meditativo en la reciprocidad del intercambio, para lograr la cohesión en la cooperación como congéneres, en la metamorfosis de la vida.
Agradecemos efusivamente a nuestros participantes destacados del Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #35 @repayme4568 - @mercmarg - @amiegeoffrey - @hopestylist - @whatmidesays - @graat. Distinguidas damas y caballeros, los obsequios adicionales aportados por nuestro administrados-fundador @wesphilbin, ya es sus billeteras a su disposición. Salud y bienestar.

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Thank you for joining us for our Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #36 !LUV

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The pleasure is mine

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Kind regards @samolaj, we are pleased to welcome you, thank you for joining us in our Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #36 !LUV

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