Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33

Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone!

Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!

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Photo provided by @grindan

We're back with another writing prompt, and the rules to participate are simple:

  • ✌️ Share your take in Thoughtful Daily Post Community
  • ✌️ Follow the Community Guidelines
  • ✌️ Have fun! (Unless you don't want to 👀)
  • ✌️ Include a link to your post on this prompt so we don't miss you!

Although there is no formal prize for this prompt, we do want to take the time to appreciate high quality posts. To celebrate the authors in our community, a random selection of HBI/SBI will be gifted to those who present exceptional responses!

Confused on what SBI/HBI is exactly? You can read all about it here!

Prompt #32 - A little different prompt, this one; you got to share if other's celebrations were more, or less, important than you. Then tell us why you felt this way. This week's prompt will really blow your mind! I would remind you to please be sure you've read the community's guidelines. As well as the rules for each prompt! So then... thank you to:

@coolbabe88 - @repayme4568 - @charjaim - @luchyl - @bipolar95

Snapshot from thoughtfulposts Wallet

Alright, without further ado...

Weekly Prompt

You are 80 years old and are given a choice to make a sacrifice that will offer you no benefit. A child has been born without sight; if you choose to, you may give yours to them and spend the final years of your life blind. Do you give your sight away to this new human, or keep it? Why?


We look forward to seeing what our weekly prompt inspires in the community this week! Happy writing, and thoughtful on! 😎


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨

0.005 PAL


Like existence itself, a transmutation in philosophizing where the end marks a beginning and the beginning conditions an end, so are our Thoughtful Thursday Prompt. A weekly call to reflect on assiduity and perennial reiteration, to grow together, to contribute to others, to help those who manifest it in the interventions, uniting energies and spirits, but above all, releasing positive energy and good vibes. Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #32, through your interventions, ennobled, dignified, and exalted the gift of the most precious good that has been given to us, yes! Life itself! so it is demanding to celebrate it with great joy and rejoicing not only ours, but also that of others, cycles of reminders with each return to the sun. We thank you for all your interventions, and remind you to leave the link as a comment in this publication. These are part of the rules, and we must set an example. We close by expressing with pleasure, our thanks to the outstanding participations of @coolbabe88 @repayme4568 @charjaim @luchyl and @bipolar95. Our founding administrator @wesphilbin, always consistent in his gifts, has entrusted me with the honor of sending you, on his behalf, these tokens; which are already with you. Congratulations. We wish you a wonderful and Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33. Health and Wellness !LUV !HUG

Como la existencia misma, una transmutación en el filosofar donde el fin marca un principio y el principio condiciona un fin, así son nuestros Thoughtful Thursday Prompt. Un llamado semanal al reflexionar en la asiduidad y en la perenne reiteración, para crecer juntos, para contribuir con los demás, para ayudar a quien lo manifieste en las intervenciones, uniendo energías y ánimos, pero sobre todo liberando energía positiva y buena vibra. Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #32, a través de vuestras intervenciones, ennobleció, dignificó y enalteció el don del bien más preciado que nos ha sido dado, ¡sí! ¡La vida misma!, por lo que es exigente celebrarla con gran alegría y regocijo no solo la nuestra, sino también la de los demás, ciclos de recordatorios con cada vuelta al sol. Agradecemos todas sus intervenciones y con ello les recordamos dejar el link como comentario en esta publicación. Estas son parte de las reglas y debemos dar el ejemplo. Cerramos, expresando con gusto, nuestro agradecimiento a las participaciones destacadas de @coolbabe88 @repayme4568 @charjaim @luchyl y @bipolar95. Nuestro administrador fundador @wesphilbin, siempre consecuente en sus regalos, me ha encomendado el honor de hacerles llegar en su nombre estos tokens; que ya están con Ustedes. Felicidades a todos. Les deseamos un maravilloso y reflexivo Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33. Salud y Bienestar.

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #32.jpg

0.000 PAL

Many thanks for the valued gift.

0.000 PAL

Ohh thank you so much for the recognition 🙂🥰

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much, I really loved seeing my name here. Congratulations to all. This is my new entry.

0.000 PAL

Excellent dynamic, with a question to reflect on life. Here is my contribution to the topic:

0.000 PAL
0.000 PAL
0.000 PAL