Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #55

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Maybe I'm not at an age to know stuff. by @honeydue

I had my second yoga teacher training weekend over the past couple of days, which was intense. And loads of fun. I'm learning so much it'd probably be pointless trying to sum it up right now. Maybe towards the end in June. Anyway, there's a lot of talking, and while listening to all the talk, I was struck by a couple of things

#ThoughtfulDailyPost - World-Ending Freedom by @zekepickleman

Back again with another thoughtfuldailypost to escape the political madness with some thoughtful distraction. @Wesphilbin waves the @thoughtfulposts flag for us as the curation account that rewards them thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity. For my newest friends, here are a couple quotes from a couple goats that made me pause, ponder, and discuss for thoughtfuldailypost. Paired with thoughtfully curated music to match the sentiment!

Why are we Losing our Community Connections? by @minismallholding

People are communal. It's always been to our advantage to be as it's easier for us to survive when we work in groups. It seems that even on a subconscious level we are driven to maintain group connections. We strive to fit in, don't tolerate loneliness and our mental health suffers when we are isolated. There is even evidence that our immune system functions better when we are surrounded by people we trust

Meat Sack by @riverflows

Somedays are delightful. Autumn is full of them it's something to do with the light, or perhaps the hint that the cold weather is coming and we better enjoy the last of the warm days. On Friday, I surfed in the morning clean, offshore winds, warm water, three foot waves perfection. It was crowded and there were bigger sets coming through that had me scrambling. Usually I count my strokes as I paddle out the back or across the channel

Wake Up, Fill Up, Set Up - A Morning on the Cut by @scubahead

Hail to the Hive! The Canal is often referred to as “The Cut” as it was literally cut into the landscape by hand , well many thousands of hands actually carrying shovels and picks. If you have watched “Peaky Blinders’ you will have heard them refer the “the Cut’ when talking of where to dispose of bodies and such like. Well happily I didn’t wake up ‘in’ the cut but on it on our lovely little floating home , Cygnet. And what a glorious morning… I drank my coffee slowly, taking small sips and taking deep lung fulls of fresh cold, crisp morning air and soaked in the view while pondering my morning plans

Celebrating Snakes Today by @trucklife-family

The 17th of March is recognised and celebrated around most of the world as St Patrick's Day. The day that St Patrick came to Ireland, introduced Christianity and chased all of the snakes out of the country. As a child, we got the day off school, we would go to town to watch the Parade, which consisted mainly of tractors with Irish flags on them and then it was off to climb Croghan Hill. A hill that Patrick visited, back in the day and opened a wee church round the back of it. I come from flat bogland, this hill could be seen from miles around

move in silence by @olujay

At some point in life, you just realize and come to terms with the truth that you cannot control what others think or say about you. That really is the first step to becoming dead to praise and censure. Something else I would like to talk about, however, is controlling what others know about you. There's so much power in such control when you harness it. You know what they say about how having too many chefs could ruin the soup?

Nonexistent Competitions by @abenad

Today was really tough for me, and as I kept asking myself a lot of questions about why certain things were happening, I heard something funny. I say it's funny because it's my first time hearing someone say such a thing to me. I was supposed to send my flight details to my cousin, but I mistakenly sent them to a friend. I still don't know how that happened, but it's probably because I had divided attention. Some hours later, after not hearing from my cousin, I called her to ask what was happening because the plan was for her to pick me up on arrival

Living in harmony with the environment to transmit peace/ENG-ESP by @charjaim

Greetings, friends of the community, I am here again to participate in the invitation that asks for the following: There is a lot of turmoil in the world. How do you try to create an atmosphere of reflection in your daily life? What would YOU do to make this a better world? There is positive and negative turmoil in the world, perhaps in equal measure, I have no way of proving it; But it is our decision to privilege situations that have an impact on having a better mood. I believe that when one feels well, one can transmit that way of being to others

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

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