Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #52
By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.
No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Temporal Shifty by @honeydue

Tomorrow feels like a Monday. It's a today's the weekend vibe, except it's not, and the more I think back on it, my day, the more I remember. Middle of the week traffic. Noise, endless, up my ear canal, inside my ribcage. Noisy, busy, 9 to 5 city, except with every year that passes, I feel like I belong in it less and less
What goes up must come down by @inuke

No, Not talking about gravity. I am talking about the people, celebrities and projects, especially from the self help communities. About a decade ago I was in a weird place. No goal, no direction or anything serious going in my life. All I had was a job that kept me busy and a hobby of watching movies
Open Sesame by @olujay

I was only going to be away for a few weeks one time. The decision was sudden, and I left home the following evening. It was abrupt for my mother and she wasn't quite dealing with it well. The next day, she began urging me to return home—that there was "no need" to be away for my reasons. In my mind, I was like, "Oh no, here we go again
Mi Diario: 16 febrero 2025 // My Diary: February 16 2025 by @palomap3

Hola querido hiver. Te he contado más de una vez por aquí que el Diario para estoicos muchas veces parece que haya sido escrito por alguien vigilante de lo que me sucede en la vida. Esta misma mañana, al abrirlo por la página que tocaba, me encontré con el siguiente lema: No compliques las cosas más de lo necesario. No me lo podía creer. Ayer durante una conversación privada utilicé una frase similar, la archiconocida “keep it simple” (mantenlo sencillo), a propósito de un nuevo proyecto que estamos preparando un grupo de personas y del que espero poder dar noticias pronto
Supporting New Mothers by @ibbtammy

The birth of a child can birth several emotions in new mothers, emotions like happiness, peace, love, sadness, fear, anxiety, and many more. When all of this sets in the mother is usually overwhelmed as her emotions are all over the place and her ability to control them can be pretty difficult. It's no news that 1 out of 10 women are affected by Post Partum Depression (PPD) what do you expect from a person who assumes a new role and must not perform poorly in this role lest it affects her baby? The changes a woman's body goes through are enough to throw her into depression. As a lady when you start seeing your period it takes days for your body to adjust how much more giving birth and your body doesn't take days but months or even years to adjust properly back to how it was
The Beauty That Is Mothers! by @jhymi

I’m glad I was old enough to understand and be aware of things at the time my last sister was born. Maybe I wasn’t in top comprehension form, but I could see. I could hear. And thankfully, I could be of help. It may have not been much
Mother's deserve accolade by @repayme4568

Just as i always said. Mother's are the most lovable people in the world, so through this statement, they deserve accolade at every moment of their life's. They took time to nurture their homes, and sometimes give less time to theirself, even with it, you get to understand that, they are more happier when they are able to put thing's in the right order in their homes, even while forgetting about that which they need, and you see them attending to theirself last, it used to marvels me when my mom did that. I mean after a long time of preparing delicious meals, which no or little hand's were given to her in the kitchen, she did everything herself, and getting to time we are eating, she will still have to look after a pressing duty at home, and on top of this, I was always stubborn, and would not let her concentrate on her next duty. Getting to a certain age of my life, I was starting to understand how she do everything for us, her children, so i decided to always stick close to her, and assist her, most times my siblings will be there also, but sometimes they will not be there, i remember the day, I got a maltina drink from the money she gave me to buy stuffs in the school canteen, since I did not used the money on break time
Love, Hate & A Bowl of Rice by @jin-out

Source: me. There are many Chinatown's in this world, some small, some large, some spanning entire city districts and some maybe only occupying a corner of a town. Each Chinatown brings with it momentos representing our places of origin. Doesn't matter if it's a Cantonese influenced Chinatown, with it's southern flavour of shops and eateries managed by a few big families from either Hong Kong or Guang Dong (Canton) or from the Mainland, devliering us an intense slice of China entire within the confines of what each Chinatown allows. I've always felt all Chinatowns across the world acts as a nexus point for us Chinese
Make a Comforting Environment for the new Mother. - Thoughtful Thursday #31. by @peacefulsoul

Coming from a culture where the postpartum period revolves around family as well as the community, I still give a second thought about whether this is the best comforting environment for the mother or not! There's no doubt that the baby gets the best care but when we talk specifically about the mother, who might be going through postpartum or even not some anxiety and need time to cope; family and community can create a hard time. We can do so many things for the new mom, whether we are family, friends, or neighbors. But we still haven't built the best system. We often create such an environment that it isolates the new mom and is sometimes helpless
Created Solely For Love, Mothers 😍🌹 by @sunshine29

Greetings family and how are we all doing with health 🥰. Happy to be joining in this week’s Thoughtful Thursday prompt. We all know it as women how perfectly we are made to always be in charge of our family and this usually starts from when we are even young girls because I believe that God who created the universe knows how important our roles as women should be in our homes and society at large. I use to wonder while growing up why should my mother pay so much attention to us her children, making sure everyone is okay before thinking of herself. And even my father who as an adult was also always being looked after especially for the purpose of being healthy since he works more to provide financially to the household

That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?
Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!
0.003 PAL
Such beautiful write ups. Good job guys.
Thanks for the support!
Thank you for the support and mention dear @thoughtfulposts. Blessings 😇