Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #39

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

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Mi Diario: 17 noviembre 2024 // My Diary: November 17 2024 by @palomap3

Hola querido hiver. La esperanza y el miedo son lo mismo. ¿Te sorprende esta afirmación? A mí sí cuando la leí hace dos días en mi Diario para estoicos. Diría que son palabras opuestas, no me cabía en la cabeza pensar que se asemejen ni por asomo

Luxuries by @becca-mac

We all like the thought of having luxuries in our lives, I surely do, and I believe we all deserve the luxuries we desire; although some people determine luxuries in different ways. Most probably think of them as designer clothing, jewelry, shoes and handbags, palatial homes, prestige cars, first class travel and vacations to the best resorts and other such things that are all nice things to have if one can afford them, however I feel true luxuries are much easier to come by and are much more valuable than those things. I took this image I spent a quiet day by myself a few days ago and was working through what I felt were true luxuries in my life trying to make the list as short as possible and as relevant and honest as I could. The list doesn't make up all the things I want to get out of life but I think are a good representation of what I feel are true luxuries and knowing the list means I'm able to think about them and feel gratitude for them. Time A person's most valuable possession I think and the one most people squander

Why Passion Matters by @nkemakonam89

Have you ever wondered why some people display an ill attitude toward their fellow humans? Have you been a victim of such? Sometimes, the ill attitude could be a character trait in a person, and sometimes it could be that the person found himself or herself in a working environment of which the person has no passion for. Yes, passion, and that's the basis of my reflection today following the experience I have had in the past around this subject matter. Talking about passion, I will love to relate it with our attitude towards one another around a work environment

Adventures In Homesteading Disaster Version (Day 97-171) by @jacobpeacock

Hello Everyone! An old dog passes away, A house burns, A screaming neighbor & Hurricane Helene This is a collection of posts that I made to a legacy social media site because I had to use it for doing disaster relief work and I did not have access to my computer to make posts to Hive. It has been a really rough ride and I think that anyone with half a heart will see why once they delve into these entries. I will do my best to get back to my usual posting routines but honestly I am still struggling with a lot of grief and trauma so who knows how that will work out. September 11 at 6:20 PM Good Girl has returned to the long dream after a good long life, countless adventures with her daddy in the woods and having lived up to her name throughout our entire time together

Loyalty is underrated in relationships by @repayme4568

I do not want my friend to act in a way l will not understand him/her or feels like they are lying to me, I want to hear the truth than experiencing lies, because if that should happen, lt's going to show that he/she isn't loyal and on the other hand, the person doesn't feels something reasonable for me. saying the truth is responsible because it will make people we are dealing with to understand us. ln life, there are a lot of benefits when the people we get in touch with can speak of the way we do things. l was ln the house one day and l got a call from my friend who told me he was coming to my place so that l fixed somethings for him concerning his online courses. To be frank, I was about stepping out to somewhere nice and have great moment, but because he informed me about his coming, l stopped the movement, and I was waiting for him to come before I choose the next thing I will do

Huge blow from Failure by @intishar

Failure is the part of life, and it's inevitable. Nobody can escape from it. It's true everyone wants to be successful in life, but on the way to success, failure comes sometimes. Many of us have the mentality to accept the failure, but sometimes it gives us a hard blow, and it's not so easy to accept. Today I talked with one of my best friends who was also disappointed

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #21[Eng/Esp] by @mercmarg

Great start to the week in the ThoughtfulDailyPost community. What does loyalty mean to you and what role does it play in your relationships in life? When I read the topic of family loyalties, I was struck by the fact that being loyal carries emotional burdens on family members forever and that they are engraved in the subconscious generation after generation. It is important to ask the question, do you want to follow that loyalty that does not please you or do you know that it brings you conflicts? Loyalty is something so strong that most family members do not understand it and even resent the relationship of a sibling with a relative, until we realize that this is called loyalty

"Till death do us part" [Eng-Esp] by @cajiro

I think this is the best phrase I have ever heard to refer to a quality motivated by love and commitment. Since I was very young, every time someone quoted this expression, questions like: What if one of us dies at the age of 100? What if one of us doesn't want to continue? Obviously my questions reflected the little knowledge and understanding I had of something called loyalty. This quality is extremely vital in every area of our lives

Loyalty in Relationships and how it affect partners. by @ijebest

Wow, today is Sunday, as usual i went to church to worship the creator of all things. I came back, decided to look into and ponder on this weekend prompt 21 that says, "What does loyalty mean to you? How does it play into your relationships in life"? . For me, loyalty is an interwoven word connecting to so many words like; Love, Faithfulness, commitment, co operation, addiction to each other , confidence respect, support and so many others words like these very numerous to mention

Prioritize Your Time by @ozd

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome 🤗 Successful people invest in their time while unsuccessful people waste time. This morning I was doing some thinking about time management, and I realized that a lot of people don't know how to prioritize their time

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!

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Thank you very much for the support and making us feel part of this beautiful community 🤗🥰 Greetings 👋.

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Thank you very much, I'm grateful.

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Thank you so much, it’s always a pleasure to share thoughts with the community! 🥰

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