Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #35
By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.
No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Luck and Hardwork by @b0s

The last two weeks or so have probably been one of my luckiest weeks ever. 3 4 events with a one in a million chance of happening all work out in my favour. There was even this one whereby if I had conviction (or had been stupid about it) I could have probably changed my life, lol. Because of this luck, I have been feeling rather invincible lately, like I can take on anything. But then I also got thinking, I had been working hard on some of these things for so long with little to no progress or returns
Mi Diario: 27 octubre 2024 // My Diary: October 27 2024 by @palomap3

Hola querido hiver. La pasada noche hemos cambiado la hora en mi país. Eso nos ha permitido dormir una hora más y lo he notado bastante. Mi cuerpo ha despertado más descansado, cosa que me hacía falta. Ayer amanecí con una contractura postural en el trapecio y anduve dolorida todo el día
Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #18//An Act of Kindness by @mercmarg

Image from Pixabay, edited in Canva Great almost start to the weekend. Is there an act of kindness that you have witnessed in your life that has always stuck with you? Tell us about it! Every day is a new learning, a new life. Every day situations arise that sometimes go unnoticed by those who live them or do not give them importance, it may happen that their level of consciousness does not yet allow them to feel that thread of learning that is given to them in relation to kindness to us or to a specific person
l feels happy of this kindness that i witnessed by @repayme4568

l think it was not quite unfortunate for him, because living in place where you struggle to see light sometimes, l can truly relate to that. We were on the road and this man came asking for someone to help him with a phone to make call, from the look of things, he was coming from a far place, because his mobile device was switch off, due to low battery, but he didn't even finish his statement of who will give him his/her phone to make a call and the woman that was there gave him her phone to make that call. He called the number that he wish but the user did not answer, so he sent a text message to the number and asked the woman to please hold on a bit for the person to called back, she did as he said, and not long the user call therefore they spoke. l did not leave the scene because lt was somehow getting dark, l thought being there waiting for a vehicle without crossing to another lane was helping preventing some event that might want to happen, so after he has gotten the information from the person he called, he thank the woman and a car came and he went ln. She did a kindness which most people would not have done, beside, lt was getting late in the night, but she took it upon herself to help him and make sure he was on his rightful way
The Risk Of Having High Expectations by @stellageorge

“Great expectations lead to great disappointments”. This is a saying that I have heard over and over again especially as a child watching all the adults in my family doing adult stuff and puffing their chests about it. A particular uncle of mine had pulled me aside one day during a family gathering, it was when I had just begun my first year in highschool and apparently he got the news from my mother so he thought it wise to give me some unsolicited advice. It was such a random and strange conversation because he started asking me extremely personal questions which I felt should be asked only when there was a close connection and as if that wasn't enough, he ended by telling me not to have great expectations if I want to make it far in life because he didn't think that I would be strong enough handle whatever life chose to throw at me. “Just know that those with great ambitions and great expectations have to deal with great disappointments"
Emotionally Supportive Friends by @ibbtammy

Having emotionally supportive friends is totally underrated. A lot of people want to have rich friends, successful friends and friends with networks and so on but it is important to have friends who are there to support you emotionally. No one wishes to be an emotional wreck but when it happens having people offer a shoulder to cry on is very important. Emotionally supportive friends are friends who are there for us emotionally, listening to us rant, curse, manage our outbursts and comfort us. They do not play the role of advisers or judges, they are active listeners, listening and processing every word we say and comforting us, you know how sometimes you just want to talk to someone and just need them to listen to you, these friends are always there to do the listening, and they are very patient and kind
Prompt #18 (Kindness): The Greatest Is Love by @alyssum07

A simple act of kindness is the most beautiful action in humanity that the world truly needs. Kindness is connected with love, and it reminds me of Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
[ESP-ENG] Thoughtful Daily #18 | Kindness is hidden in special people who cross our path. by @naath

Hola amigos de la comunidad de Thoughtful Daily, espero que se encuentren muy bien el día de hoy, ez mi primera vez escribiendo en esta comunidad y me parece genial poder hablarles hoy del ThoughtfulDaily Prompt 18, en la que nos proponen responder cada semana. Actos de bondad hay muchos aunque algunas veces nuestra mente solo decida ver el lado negativo de las cosas, en mi vida he tenido la suerte de encontrar siempre de alguna forma el amor que doy a los demás, siempre he sido muy empática y no me gusta ni disfruto ver el sufrimiento ajeno, aunque en estos el mundo puede ser un lugar lleno de caos si hay personas de bien corazón, personas que nos recuerdan que vale la pena vivir y estar rodeados de ellas. Así que me gustaría antes de empezar a responder la pregunta de la semana quisiera invitar a mi amiga @erigm para que se una y nos cuente esa anécdota de bondad que quedó siempre en sus pensamientos y marcó un antes y un después. Hello friends of the Thoughtful Daily community, I hope you are doing well today, it's my first time writing in this community and I think it's great to talk to you today about the ThoughtfulDaily Prompt 18, in which we are asked to respond each week. Acts of kindness there are many although sometimes our mind only decides to see the negative side of things, in my life I have been lucky enough to always find somehow th
Can you really wear it all out? by @honeydue

At times, I fear the speed of my heartbeats more than the interim between them. It feels like I'm living too fast, which is not to say that life's speeding up beside me. No. I am not worried about squandering my time, nor of it squandering my expectations. I'm just worried sometimes I'll burn two holes in my soles, and through them, my vitality will leak
Mind-Body Movements by @olujay

Something I never realised much for a long time is what harnessing the connection between the mind and body can help one achieve. You see, I had fallen into a really low state many years ago and struggled to do anything. One thing helped me shift my mindset, and it was doing at least 200 pushups daily, among other things. When I started exercising, I began to eat and sleep more. I added a lot of weight back then—perhaps at the highest rate ever for me—but the point is I spent a lot less time feeling negative emotions

That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?
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