Who uses Lassecash?


@lasseehlers frequently says Lassecash is the best tribe where truth gets rewarded. Except he is never really truthful. He gets rewarded, that's about it.


Take a look at the "curve" of rewards.
Guess he has to make his money back for upgrading to Hive Engine Outpost.

Always do your research!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.063 PAL


He must have upvoted me once because I received a lot of it. I sold it (to him I believe) when he bumped the market price up. That is the summary of my use of Lassecash.

0.005 PAL

My cousin talked him into paying my cousin in Lassecash to watch some dumb 40 min flat earth video.

10/10 more funny than most comedy specials on Netflix

0.000 PAL

It was this documentary I paid two people to watch, its 1 hour, one of those ran away, I think he never watched maybe that was your cousin? The other one watched it and made a long post about what he thought, but he was still brainwashed after the fact.

https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/level (click the photo)

0.000 PAL

the latter was my cousin. And he also has me living in the arctic circle where the sun doesn't set in the summer and the sun doesn't rise in the winter.

Something your stupid swill doesn't even know how to cover with it's "Local sun"

P.S. That "documentary" has Johnny Bravo as a "source." That guy is so bat shit crazy even Joe Rogan thinks he's loco

0.000 PAL

he keeps sending it to me and I can't never power it down fast enough.

0.000 PAL

Poor little BALLHEAD, you want us to feel sorry for you?

0.000 PAL

He gave me some, but I'll sell it as I have no use for it and it's tainted with his lunacy as well as being economically suspect. I don't need that emotional baggage.

0.000 PAL

Who uses Lassecash?

I don't know. Flat-earthers? :-)
(It's funny because it's true (stake-wise))

0.001 PAL

Earth is flat, we have MANY proofs, look up Eric Dubay's book "200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball" and here I will give you some proofs for free:

Balloon versus 3D model:


Here is another proof, using the small and local sun:


And here are a documentary of 1 hour full of related REAL information:

https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/level (click the photo)

Thank me later... the day you wake up, you better donate 10000-100000$ as a thank you for all the free work I did so far!

0.000 PAL

You are either stupid or malicious, but most likely both.
And if that's just stupidity, it's really impressive.

0.000 PAL

Did you even look at the 2 proofs and the 1 hour video? I bet you didnt, as its only been ~1.5 hour since I wrote the comment and you probably been too busy counting your money in that time.

The truth is that you are brainwashed and those 3 links I sent contains the truth that can unlock the brainwashing for you.

I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it. (Quote from "The Matrix")

0.000 PAL

Basic level of intelligence and education that one can get from an elementary school in developed countries is enough to know that you are full of bullshit just stupid.

(* - sorry, bullshit could be useful)

0.000 PAL

I disagree.

0.001 PAL

Dude you are brainwashed, I dont care how much Hive power you got, earth is flat. Watch the 2 prooffs and the documentary! BALLHEAD!

Remember most of my life I believed in the ball, just like you do now. You are the one that is behind!

0.000 PAL

That curve is hysterical.

0.000 PAL

It's quite flat!

0.000 PAL

There are no CURVE:

Earth is flat, we have MANY proof, look up Eric Dubay's book "200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball" and here I will give you some proofs for free:

Balloon versus 3D model:


Here is another proof, using the small and local sun:


And here are a documentary of 1 hour full of related REAL information:

https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/level (click the photo)

Thank me later... the day you wake up, you better donate 10000-100000$ as a thank you for all the free work I did so far!

0.000 PAL

That's a lot of ego on that front page. Too much for me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

I am leading by example, I would love to curate 10-20 quality truth posts per day, and that is the goal, but untill then I lead by example.

0.000 PAL

It's trash.

0.003 PAL

Its the most valuable thing in the world, rewarding truth! You dont find it anywhere else in the whole world.

0.000 PAL

One man’s piece of shit is another man’s cup of tea I suppose.

0.000 PAL

Naaa just that most people are brainwashed into believing we live a spinning ball and most of the people that know it is flat are not having a Hive account, that is the problem.

0.000 PAL

I don't care what you believe in, just go smoke a blunt and enjoy life and imagine a sphere world, you might come to enjoy it.

If not at least you tried.

0.000 PAL

Well I care about the truth and I dont smoke. I know its flat, we have many proofs.

Earth is flat, we have MANY proof, look up Eric Dubay's book "200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball" and here I will give you some proofs for free:

Balloon versus 3D model:


Here is another proof, using the small and local sun:


And here are a documentary of 1 hour full of related REAL information:

https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/level (click the photo)

0.000 PAL

Suns round? Earths flat? I think you smoke hella tons of crack.

I am okay, so much proof. I’ll take your word That you believe that.

0.000 PAL

Round like a ball or round like a hole in the sky? Or a discus? Believe what you want - it excuses you from knowing ;)

0.000 PAL

lunar eclipse

How does that happen?, or is that just another conspiracy.

Man, why am I even responding. Peace out.

fuck it why not this than.



0.001 PAL

I care about the truth and I will smoke about it.

0.000 PAL

He upvoted my comment once and it was bigger than anything I've ever received on Hive/Steem. So it's not true that only he gets rewarded :)

0.019 PAL

Thank you for saying this truth, the reality is that many people get rewards from LasseCash, lately I been busy and not been curating so much, as I work on an official NFT.

0.000 PAL

Well to be fair lassecash is technically the same as any tribe. The reality is i'm going to be able to do the same thing on his tribe as any of your tribes. The problem with lassecash is in the branding. If you got bad branding. If you're not unique then really it's only so far you can go anyway. if you're too niche as such as well. So i would'nt pick on lassecash anymore than the limitations any tribe would have.

However some like leofinance were moderately successful in their branding but still in comparsion to your average listed crypto on cmc etc., not significant by any means. So my thing is the success of a product for me is always going to lie in it's ability to grow. When it comes to daily trade volume for all i know on a small low liquid exchange that could be one guy controlling half or most of the liquidity. So when you research cryptocurrencies. When i research i wanna know where you'll be in a few years.

I wanna know if your project makes sense. Who else are you going to be in competition with. For me all tribes are just in competition with each other because they have the exact same technology and approach for the most part. So one would have to really breakout to get out of that box. To have true value you need to be able to grow under metcalfe's law. Will you be able to do that. that is the question.

There is least concern for me about if he buys his tokens. I feel again whether its one guy buying all the tokens or like 5 guys still isn't much a difference. So i suspect most projects guilty of that to some degree. However if there is no possible future growth then there is a problem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Dude I am not even going to read that, I dont see you as a sound person... just avoid me in the future. Thanks.

0.000 PAL

Why would you need to read it? I'm responding to the author of the post.Are you the author of the post? I think the answer is nobody in their right mind uses lassecash there is nothing significant about it just a complete waste of time, so are many other tribes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

LasseCash is the most valuable social media in the world, nothing compares.

0.000 PAL

aka The Devil's Advocate for the Flat Earth, I am observing this interaction. lassecash aside, a percentage of you are commenting as if you know @lasseehlers is wrong about the shape of earth, which you don't. When you insult him rather than debate him, I think this is because you are not prepared to argue. If you are going to make a statement like "he is never really truthful", then maybe you should back it up. That you don't agree with him does not factor into what is truth.

0.019 PAL

0.000 PAL

That hasn't strengthened your argument.

0.019 PAL

Oh no, I'm so concerned.

0.000 PAL

Why should you be? You are cashing in on being a fool.

0.019 PAL


0.000 PAL

Are you one of those that needs to be told the same truth many times, before it sink in?

Earth is flat, we have MANY proofs, look up Eric Dubay's book "200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball" and here I will give you some proofs for free:

Balloon versus 3D model:


Here is another proof, using the small and local sun:


And here are a documentary of 1 hour full of related REAL information:

https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/level (click the photo)

Thank me later... the day you wake up, you better donate 10000-100000$ as a thank you for all the free work I did so far!

0.000 PAL

lassecash aside, a percentage of you are commenting as if you know @lasseehlers is wrong about the shape of earth, which you don't.


We do!

0.000 PAL

How do you know? Tell me something I haven't heard. Tell me something you can verify.

0.018 PAL

Did you know an blue whale's toungue is heavier than an Africian Elephant. I bet you didn't know that!

0.000 PAL

I've heard of it and avoided it.

Here's something that'll get your juices flowing too - https://www.bitcoinmyk.com/ and the BBD token. (The founder left you a rather long comment below).

If you do a post about his coin he'll 'reward' you with a 1000 word comment, some of which might make sense if your lucky.

0.000 PAL

I'm familar with him and his token.

0.000 PAL

This is a first for my work computer in three years:

Might be worth a look.

0.000 PAL

It's likely just tracking or something beneign like that. A lot of these scanners report stuff as malware but it is more just annoyanceware. Either way, you are likely the only person who went to the site this month.

0.000 PAL

It will send the analytics crazy - just like buying fractions of the token at massive prices.

0.000 PAL

Really tarazkp for people who don't respect monopolistic search engines you guys sure pay alot of attention to them.. so if its that easy to fake alexa rankings we should all do it lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

it was duckduckgo btw.

0.000 PAL

google controls 90% of the browser market and their diagnostic tool says we're completely fine. Who are we to argue with that lol.


see for yourself people who don't understand how browsers work think those reports are accurate. they aren't and many outdated. suspected phishing doesn't mean you're a phishing site. and i'm not sure why there is any malware warning showing. we've spoken to google and they have no such issues but if google did say something else do we have any reason to trust them?

You see tarazkp the reason they fear us because we're the end of the line for many of them...We're a free coin true freedom back to the people. We're a threat to many people. i thought you were smart tarazkp from all the reading and writing but know this tarazkp. This movement is bigger than me and it's certainly bigger than marky mark and his band of whatever they are, lol.

We're giving freedom back to the people. A freemium service. Not a profit making machine. This is a system for the people to be used by the people. That can't be denied it can't ever be stopped it's time has come tarazkp. This is a storm, you all are kite's dangling in the wind. this can't be stopped tarazkp and i think you understand why. Your fears aren't strong enough to stop this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Oh and I visit lots of different sites - but this really is the first block. I will have to hide from IT :D

0.000 PAL

no it's hard to fake alexa rankings if it were possible use basic logic wouldn't we all just do that lol Well some browsers are sensitive no such info is coming from google Safe Browsing site status

Google’s Safe Browsing technology examines billions of URLs per day looking for unsafe websites. Every day, we discover thousands of new unsafe sites, many of which are legitimate websites that have been compromised. When we detect unsafe sites, we show warnings on Google Search and in web browsers. You can search to see whether a website is currently dangerous to visit.
Check site status
Current status
No unsafe content found

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

My final comment on this thread and subject below. I know some of you don't wanna listen because you wanna create false narratives and that's okay you should want that. Because we're a superior project and you should be afraid simply because more than likely people will flock to us. it really doesn't matter if you read it or not because it's for your viewers i already understand you guys treachery lol.

I'll just say this in conclusion to you guys because it's clear many of you full of it lol. Especially that Marky mark and his band. however i did contact duckgogo search engine that should be resolved. we dealt with google and apparently there are other search engines that felt someone tried to hack us and phish people for info. first of all we don't ask you for any personal info. make sure you're using bitcoinmyk.com. emails provided are just to reset your emails. so if you giving anybody your social security numbers and bank account numbers we don't ask for such info nor need it. so you need to understand how to protect yourself online if you don't know how to do that nothing much we can do for you anyway.

if people think they can get money on a site they will attempt to hack it. Our coins can't be hacked online because they aren't on the site they are on the blockchain the dumb hackers don't even know that. As i recall hive engine got hacked so don't act hollier than thou like none of your money can be lost. it will be worse if it happens again on hive engine because you all have all your money on there. we don't hold any money on bitcoinmyk.com you can't even buy coins on there.


if for whatever reason someone on some search browser someplace marky mark and company are skiddish or believe we're a scam you can use this front end for our project: https://memo.cash/topic/Bitcoin+MYK

We can't send your coins to other chains on that front end. However you can still earn the tokens and use it. bitcoinmyk.com is one front site it's not the blockchain so yes we have a project tarazkp the problem is you all talk and don't know what you talking about because you not very smart. if you were you'd know this before you said anything. Anyway that's all i got to say. actually there are 2 other front websites for bitcoin myk. you can store your coins offline on the blockchain of your choosing and transfer them to one we're on. we're on several. i think that offers more security and protection but at the end of the day. if you got absolutely no trust in our project don't buy the token. or earn them free or do nothing. we just ask that if you say anything tell the entire story and state facts or we'll correct you. thankyou very much

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Well some browsers are sensitive no such info is coming from google Safe Browsing site status

Google’s Safe Browsing technology examines billions of URLs per day looking for unsafe websites. Every day, we discover thousands of new unsafe sites, many of which are legitimate websites that have been compromised. When we detect unsafe sites, we show warnings on Google Search and in web browsers. You can search to see whether a website is currently dangerous to visit.
Check site status
Current status
No unsafe content found

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

it has nothing to do with the search engine, it was blocked at the server level.

0.000 PAL

tarazkp then why are we in the search engines lol? i contact duckgogo today we'll be back on there. now of course i can accept someone trying to take our project down.. wouldn't surprise me.however the reports are false. the search engines will fix that. Our site is provably safe thats info not accurate from a small search engine.. we're in bing and many other bigger search engines with no such problems. Don't you know google would block us if we were a security risk. the biggest won't but some smaller one will. no tarazkp that doesn't sound right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

none of what you say makes sense and I don't think anyone cares enough to "take your project down" - is it even a project?

0.000 PAL

Well they cared enough to mention us lol. I'll let you answer your own question about is it a project. You're familiar with facebook? is that a project? okay let's say that it is. How many people would stay on facebook if facebook charged a fee of $9.95 per month?

I'm willing to bet you'd see people dropping off. People don't pay for social media. You all seemingly want them to. Well facebook has 2.5 billion users. You all have what maybe a million and it's not looking very promising. Here's the deal tarazkp and maybe you should read some of my other comments because it's clear to me many of you all don't understand yet.

Crypto is not about being a for profit business. I think the idea of businesses on the blockchain are ridiculous for many reasons i won't get into right now would be too long to type. However some think it is. Alright let's leave that there for now. I will grant you in the short term you guys pyramid ponzi schemes tickle the fancy of a few people who think they can get rich in some casino game. However how much of the world will have to opt for ubi hear in the near future? This is unavoidable tarazkp do the research. So you can make the jokes all you want but people will choose the better systems for them. Yours is not that. We shall see Tarazkp. We shall see come morning lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

this my last message tarazkp. marky mark can't stop this, lol. i just wanna make sure you all get this message loud and clear. your days of treachery is nearing an end.

My final comment on this thread and subject below. I know some of you don't wanna listen because you wanna create false narratives and that's okay you should want that. Because we're a superior project and you should be afraid simply because more than likely people will flock to us. it really doesn't matter if you read it or not because it's for your viewers i already understand you guys treachery lol.

I'll just say this in conclusion to you guys because it's clear many of you full of it lol. Especially that Marky mark and his band. however i did contact duckgogo search engine that should be resolved. we dealt with google and apparently there are other search engines that felt someone tried to hack us and phish people for info. first of all we don't ask you for any personal info. make sure you're using bitcoinmyk.com. emails provided are just to reset your emails. so if you giving anybody your social security numbers and bank account numbers we don't ask for such info nor need it. so you need to understand how to protect yourself online if you don't know how to do that nothing much we can do for you anyway.

if people think they can get money on a site they will attempt to hack it. Our coins can't be hacked online because they aren't on the site they are on the blockchain the dumb hackers don't even know that. As i recall hive engine got hacked so don't act hollier than thou like none of your money can be lost. it will be worse if it happens again on hive engine because you all have all your money on there. we don't hold any money on bitcoinmyk.com you can't even buy coins on there.

if for whatever reason someone on some search browser someplace marky mark and company are skiddish or believe we're a scam you can use this front end for our project: https://memo.cash/topic/Bitcoin+MYK

We can't send your coins to other chains on that front end. However you can still earn the tokens and use it. bitcoinmyk.com is one front site it's not the blockchain so yes we have a project tarazkp the problem is you all talk and don't know what you talking about because you not very smart. if you were you'd know this before you said anything. Anyway that's all i got to say. actually there are 2 other front websites for bitcoin myk. you can store your coins offline on the blockchain of your choosing and transfer them to one we're on. we're on several. i think that offers more security and protection but at the end of the day. if you got absolutely no trust in our project don't buy the token. or earn them free or do nothing. we just ask that if you say anything tell the entire story and state facts or we'll correct you. thankyou very much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

I did actually buy some BBD coin

About 0.00001 of it, but only so I could then buy back 0.00000001 from myself every now and then at 0.00000001 Hive to correct those silly 1000% 'gains' I kept seeing on Hive-Engine.

Pet irritation of mine.

And it might save someone some pain if it's a little less visible.

0.000 PAL

WEll from what i can see bbd coin price is up since you bought them and people still buying them. maybe hodl is not your strong suit lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Hodl is my thing, just not your coin.

0.000 PAL

that may be so but doesn't stop others from holding the coin lol. we don't care if you don't hold it lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

BBd generally goes up due to a low supply. since you mentioned us i now have to defend myself to your supporters so i wanna be clear.

My final comment on this thread and subject below. I know some of you don't wanna listen because you wanna create false narratives and that's okay you should want that. Because we're a superior project and you should be afraid simply because more than likely people will flock to us. it really doesn't matter if you read it or not because it's for your viewers i already understand you guys treachery lol.

I'll just say this in conclusion to you guys because it's clear many of you full of it lol. Especially that Marky mark and his band. however i did contact duckgogo search engine that should be resolved. we dealt with google and apparently there are other search engines that felt someone tried to hack us and phish people for info. first of all we don't ask you for any personal info. make sure you're using bitcoinmyk.com. emails provided are just to reset your emails. so if you giving anybody your social security numbers and bank account numbers we don't ask for such info nor need it. so you need to understand how to protect yourself online if you don't know how to do that nothing much we can do for you anyway.

if people think they can get money on a site they will attempt to hack it. Our coins can't be hacked online because they aren't on the site they are on the blockchain the dumb hackers don't even know that. As i recall hive engine got hacked so don't act hollier than thou like none of your money can be lost. it will be worse if it happens again on hive engine because you all have all your money on there. we don't hold any money on bitcoinmyk.com you can't even buy coins on there.


if for whatever reason someone on some search browser someplace marky mark and company are skiddish or believe we're a scam you can use this front end for our project: https://memo.cash/topic/Bitcoin+MYK

We can't send your coins to other chains on that front end. However you can still earn the tokens and use it. bitcoinmyk.com is one front site it's not the blockchain so yes we have a project tarazkp the problem is you all talk and don't know what you talking about because you not very smart. if you were you'd know this before you said anything. Anyway that's all i got to say. actually there are 2 other front websites for bitcoin myk. you can store your coins offline on the blockchain of your choosing and transfer them to one we're on. we're on several. i think that offers more security and protection but at the end of the day. if you got absolutely no trust in our project don't buy the token. or earn them free or do nothing. we just ask that if you say anything tell the entire story and state facts or we'll correct you. thankyou very much

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Well many don't understand bbd coin. it's not a for profit business on a blockchain that promises mooning prices. it's a ubi coin trying to solve the problem elon musk keeps speaking of what to do of massive unemployment. so if people think its something wrong with the idea of that project. THen they have to fight against the concept of ubi. THey aren't fighting against bbd coin they fighting against that. if they got a problem with that they need to take that up with the ubi community. As it's not a for profit business i don't care if you all make money from it or not. It's a system for those that need ubi and those that don't need it. it wouldn't have an effect on them either way. So it's all about who needs and wants and the people decide that. i left a long comment to marky mark because he assumes that one entity or group can't and doesn't buy a coin.. isn't the one alfa guy had like most of the entire liquidity pool of leofinance. so i think some of your views are utterly ridiculous.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

I appreciate that English isn't your first language, but nothing you say makes any sense to me.

0.000 PAL

yes i think i know enough english to say why that is.. it's called " willful ignorance" lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL


I willingly ignore you!

It's one of the joys of decentralised social media.

0.000 PAL

Well that's not technically correct. You could have just ignored us anyway from the beginning. Decentralized social media you know the person is still making comments because it's just left all over the chain for eternity lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Well I'll give you that one, I did use the wrong tense in fairness!

0.000 PAL

good to know what this coin is about and steer clear of it :)

0.000 PAL

you can steer clear but these projects won't have much value especially social media projects..because everyone uses freemium services in social media..people don't pay to use social media

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

My final comment on this thread and subject below. I know some of you don't wanna listen because you wanna create false narratives and that's okay you should want that. Because we're a superior project and you should be afraid simply because more than likely people will flock to us. it really doesn't matter if you read it or not because it's for your viewers i already understand you guys treachery lol.

I'll just say this in conclusion to you guys because it's clear many of you full of it lol. Especially that Marky mark and his band. however i did contact duckgogo search engine that should be resolved. we dealt with google and apparently there are other search engines that felt someone tried to hack us and phish people for info. first of all we don't ask you for any personal info. make sure you're using bitcoinmyk.com. emails provided are just to reset your emails. so if you giving anybody your social security numbers and bank account numbers we don't ask for such info nor need it. so you need to understand how to protect yourself online if you don't know how to do that nothing much we can do for you anyway.

if people think they can get money on a site they will attempt to hack it. Our coins can't be hacked online because they aren't on the site they are on the blockchain the dumb hackers don't even know that. As i recall hive engine got hacked so don't act hollier than thou like none of your money can be lost. it will be worse if it happens again on hive engine because you all have all your money on there. we don't hold any money on bitcoinmyk.com you can't even buy coins on there.


if for whatever reason someone on some search browser someplace marky mark and company are skiddish or believe we're a scam you can use this front end for our project: https://memo.cash/topic/Bitcoin+MYK

We can't send your coins to other chains on that front end. However you can still earn the tokens and use it. bitcoinmyk.com is one front site it's not the blockchain so yes we have a project tarazkp the problem is you all talk and don't know what you talking about because you not very smart. if you were you'd know this before you said anything. Anyway that's all i got to say. actually there are 2 other front websites for bitcoin myk. you can store your coins offline on the blockchain of your choosing and transfer them to one we're on. we're on several. i think that offers more security and protection but at the end of the day. if you got absolutely no trust in our project don't buy the token. or earn them free or do nothing. we just ask that if you say anything tell the entire story and state facts or we'll correct you. thankyou very much

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Dude I'm just a simple pleb that steers clear of things that are too controversial, no hate intended

0.000 PAL

that's fine but btcmyk is the least controversial of every blockchain project. how could a free token we encourage people not to buy be controversial? but you telling me that crypto projects that need your money for them to work are not controversial. that's just stupid lol. we operate more like a ubi foundation. we're not a for profit business. we don't care if people buy the coin or not. all we care is that the coin is distributed which it is and will be. your projects won't go very far because i and a billion other people won't pay for social media. you all don't understand that you all don't understand metcalfe's law. and marky mark is an idiot.. but just look at this and after you look at this video in fact don't even look at the video just look at the comment section.. of how many people just on that one video dying to get wallets?

even if you are a pleb you can understand the urgency and demand of what would drive people to do that.. don't listen to marky mark and his band those guys are dumbasses in a pyramid. you understand lol. if we needed people from hive do you think we'd have all those participants in the cryptospace? the rest of crypto thinks you guys are nuts you understand that? lol

don't follow people do your own research they idiots. and if you have learned to do that then you would know what controversy was first of all.. because they use ot think bitcoin was a scam. a few years back i pushed a project called hex made alot of money they thought that was a scam. none of these things turned out to be true. everybody can do research for themselves that makes you smart.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Well there are other people getting rewards from LasseCash, lately I been busy so I have not curated as much as I usually do, but still upvoted my own posts.

Let alone in this Marky post I upvoted the 2 positive commentators several times. So yes LASSECASH has a unique product in the market, we are the only ones to reward truth content and people do get huge upvotes when they deserve it.

The bigger issue here is that it is very hard to find real truth minded people to produce quality posts on LasseCash on a regular basis, that is why I lead by example and welcome anybody with good truth content.

People come and they go on LasseCash and some are long term dedicated soldiers of the OUTPOST.

I posted recently that I didnt expected much activity on LasseCash for a while, since I am working on an official NFT, its interesting that Marky come with his post at the same time, instead of analyzing over a longer time frame, he always manipulate things to fit his agenda:


It reminds me of his criticism of centralized ownership, where he dont empathize that there are a bigger group of LASSECASH POWER whales, he just focus on my stake. Richard Heart have taught me that centralized ownership works very well for everything in the world, also cryptocurrencies, so Marky's criticism is again dead wrong. I respect Richard Heart since he have taught me some very valuable things.

Another criticism from Marky is about that I buy back LASSECASH tokens from time to time, but this is also a very wrong criticism, since this is even done in the legacy markets, whereas it is called "stock buy backs" and is a way for business owners to invest in their own product. Nothing wrong again, Marky is dead wrong about almost everything.

Ones we go back to a more normal time on LASSECASH that curve will look better.

Also the best time to buy Bitcoin was when Satoshi was solo mining, its the same with LASSECASH, the best time to buy is in the upstart phase.

0.019 PAL