RE: CBDCs Will Be A Thing

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I mean, stablecoins are essentially a CBDC at this point. With Circle and Tether both, they have proven they can halt transactions and blacklist wallets. We saw that with the Tornado Cash situation. Then the fact that Bitcoin is as transparent as they come and with everyone purchasing through centralized exchanges and many holding them there, it's not difficult to find out who has what.

This is where Monero is going to, and already is, coming into play. I am seeing more and more people coming into the Monero space, which is a great thing. I have seen the ZEPH private stablecoin, but don't know much about it. But really Monero is my main squeeze for now. I turn all my Hive rewards and trading profits into it like I used to with BTC. Now BTC and ETH are my futures trades and earn me more stablecoins that I turn into Monero, lol.
