RE: How Hive Carves Out Its Niche

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I can tell you right now that yes, the Hive-Engine projects are small because of a lack of funding. The DHF is a pipe dream for most because it's just a big circle jerk amongst the larger stakeholders. If you try to do a fair launch with your token like I did with the $LIST and $COM tokens, then there isn't really much money in the token sale as the market really kind of forms itself. Then if you do try to sell your token as a 'stock' type of thing to fund your project, you get attacked for selling a 'security' and your project isn't decentralized, blah blah blah. So it's a vicious cycle when it comes to getting a Hive project funded. People think that little tiny upvotes alone can fund you, so they think that is all that needs to be done. But there is way more too it.
