RE: Ethereum Stages For Massive Growth Here's Why

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So going to have to correct you and n the use of layer 2’s like Polygon especially as I use it daily. You don’t have to have ETH at all to use Polygon, all you need is MATIC and you are good to go, paying super cheap gas fees. Another option is Using a layer 1 like Binance Smart Chain that has fairly cheap fees.

I am skeptical that it will do anything to the fees as that is how the validators make money. EIP 1559 was supposed to fix that, it didn’t… The move to PoS was supposed to fix that, it didn’t, and even further centralized the chain with only a few validators controlling the block rewards.

So I’ll have to believe it when I see it. Until gas fees are less than Polygon or even Binance Smart Chain, y’all can have ETH. I’ll just trade the value in WETH on the other chains and pay like $.10 or less in gas fees per transaction.


Ah yes, that most likely was a wording error on my part. What I meant by that section was that the projects themselves need to have ETH in order to broadcast those rolled up transactions into the Ethereum mainnet.

ETH Fees wont change if you're interacting with it directly. But mainly what they are after are for most of the smaller things to happen on a layer 2 and then broadcast up to the main Ethereum chain. That's their current scaling solution.


Must be the chain itself you are referring to because it’s the same for creating smart contracts. All you need is the gas coin, for example MATIC, no ETH. I have launched several contracts on Polygon and have never needed any ETH at all to do so.
