RE: Post-lockdown Camp out November 2021


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Thank you for all the detail! I’ve always hated the condensation coming through making everything damp and never really thought of a dual wall tent before. I will also be on the lookout for a tent when camping weather returns.
You mentioned lockdowns; are they still going on in NZ to some degree?


We have very damp conditions in NZ and traditionally don't use single wall tents. With new technology that is changing. The biggest thing for single wall tents is adequate ventilation - which can get too much in windy conditions. A problem with the particular tent I used was the ventilation. The bathtub floor and bottom of the mesh screen were beyond the line of the vestibule overhang if the doors were open. That meant that if I left a door open for airflow then rain would get inside. To be fair, the tent did not leak at all. The condensation was from my breath, sweat, evaporation from damp gear and evaporation from the grass/ground under the tent coverage. I'm looking into the Z-Packs Duplex XL but that cost and shipping times from the US are measured in months at the moment.
Do we still have lockdowns in NZ? To an extent yes. We had a five week lockdown last year and my region had another of a few weeks this year. The Auckland region had a 100+ day lockdown that ended recently. Instead we now have this traffic-light system where the colour of the light is supposedly based on public health risk of Covid and each setting differentiates what those with vaccinate passes can do vs what those without can do. So, if you don't have a vaccination pass and your zone is red then basically it's almost a lockdown - similar to our past level 3 but with a few more shops open and fewer places willing to serve food to go.
