RE: "I am the greatest!"


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Yes, PYPT is on Thursdays in the DREEMPORT server in the Discord-app (an app for chatting & networking). PYPT stands for "Pimp Your Post Thursday" and is the oldest "live" curation show for writings on the blockhain, hosted by @shadowspub. Attendees take turns presenting one of their own posts or one by someone else (as @beeber did for yours). We'd love to have you join us sometime, if you are so inclined! 🙂

Your writing was very good, and I see why Beeber liked it! It was wonderful how you wove the line-of-thinking through several stages, each building upon the other, and ended with the effect those stages provided in your own life. You have an engaging and well-thought writing style! Bravo! 😃

Writing of this nature (pensive, upbeat, inspirational) is perfect for use of the #thoughtfuldailypost tag by @wesphilbin, should you ever wish to use it. There is even a community dedicated to ThoughtfulDailyPost writings which would welcome work such as this, should you be interested in posting there. Regardless, keep being awesome! 💛



You are awesome !LUV. Thank you for a sincere analysis of my writing style. Life for all of us is busy but writing is cleansing.

It's been years since I dropped by Shadowpub's show. I'm glad it's still around. I will take a look at #thoughgfuldailypost. I seldom post daily.


