Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Six
Celadon gym is up on the chopping block
This is a play through of Pokemon Blue by using RetroArch to emulate the game. I am randomising the Pokemon in areas with similar strength so it isn't completely randomised, while choosing three starters of similar types
It wasn't time yet to head back to Lavender Town when there is still the fourth gym and the gym leader Erika to be beaten, so no time was wasted in heading over to get through the trainer battles for great experience before the final battle will happen.
More experience for Vulpix was something Goliath wanted to keep up so he had a strong fire type but was still requiring trading it out for another Pokemon like Grimer, also perfect to use for a quick win and thunderbolt took another easy victory in the Krabby that was out first.
Machoke came out next which was definitely a tougher win, even for Grimer's body slam!
But it persisted and didn't take much damage from the low kick's.. a few more body slam's came out and Machoke was down for the count, seeing Vulpix grow to level eighteen while Grimer managed to reach level thirty five.
The next fight wasn't a long battle since the Shellder and Horsea were easily taken out by Grimer of course, some of the other Pokemon were going to start being used a bit more again soon and luckily when the Rhyhorn came out, Dratini could bubblebeam it down.
With the next fight against a cool but tough Lickitung and Vulpix being switched out in both this and the Krabby fight, it helped grow it to level nineteen which is making get quite strong and quickly too!
One of the trainers faced in this gym had an Exeggcute and was a perfect chance for Vulpix to finally get through a battle itself.. ember was able to do a good chunk of damage every time it was used and was enough to solo take it out.
Goliath was getting in some really good battles and experience in Celadon gym and it wasn't letting up until he got through the rest of the trainers and beating Erika, for his next badge.
Hitmonchan's comet punch did light damage on Grimer who was already weakened, a mighty thunderbolt almost one shot it in return before one more ended this battle.
Only two more trainers were left to battle for experience before facing Erika with a Lass using a Cubone and Tentacool, while the next had a Sandslash that took out Dratini, then a Charmeleon doing work on the Grimer until it got paralysed, leaving it to be finished off and Grimer hit level thirty six!
Finally it was time to face Erika, the gym leader for Celadon city and she starts off tough!
A level twenty nine Hypno was going to be really strong so Vulpix started with a tail whip, reducing the defence a little bit before confusion took Vulpix out. So Farfetch'd was required as a buffer, while Goliath healed his Dratini before Grimer came out on lower health, with Hypno's confusion finishing Grimer off.
Now Shellder had to be a buffer while Grimer got revived and healed since it was the best hope at getting somewhere in this fight..
This time though Grimer used minimise since it had full health, able to survive confusion, which allowed poison gas and also a might couple of body slams to take Hypno out. Hypno had been missing due to the high evasion of minimise!
Unfortunately for Goliath he came against a level twenty four Hypno next and with each Pokemon being taken out to only leave Grimer, even with Dratini paralysing it.. Hypno's confusion was just too strong to battle against and this was the first time, that Goliath had lost and in a bad way. It wouldn't be give up time until she was beaten and he was right back there!
The second time against Erika was a quick and painful defeat, Goliath's Pokemon just weren't hitting their mark, but he tried yet again.
The first Hypno got down quickly enough thanks to paralysis and minimise allowing Grimer's body slams to go unmatched, the lower level Hypno got off a good confusion though before it too was defeated.
Finally it turned out there was a third Hypno with this one also being level twenty nine.. such a majorly tough fight Erika has been but the minimize after it was weakened a little, before some body slam's and luck on his side, Goliath was able to defeat Erika in this third try and he was leaving with his next badge.
Emulator used: RetroArch with a Gameboy Colour core
ROMS: Pokemon Blue after being put through the randomiser
Saving: (Used for quick loading and for getting back to before I had all Pokemon faint, if I lose and so it is quicker.)
This was Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Six
Stay tuned to see how I go with leveling, what team I am using and my journey as I progress through Pokemon Blue.
You can find Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Five here
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