Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part fourty

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This hard work and glorious loot takes away from feeling unwell

Getting the Fat Man was a big achievement for this thing is capable, of shooting mini nukes which is going to cause a lot of death and destruction. It will have a massive blast happening so that those pesky and tougher enemies will be taken out.. of course Arghrash believes he might only have one mini nuke stored.

"Finally I am hitting the jackpot with this things. I will hold off on using it for now though" he thought as he picked it up and continued away from this place, since it was now cleared.

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Once he had run back to the boathouse to go have a sleep and move out again, the missiles were grabbed or at least a chunk to be used in the new missile launcher, that can hold four missiles at once.

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Some beds were made because there were likely to be more settlers coming for the protection and growth as a community, with these being built a new level was gained for Arghrash and for the perk?

Well taking locksmith again to pick master locks, meant he would get passed those toughest locks and be able to loot or see what else can be found.

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"I better get myself healed by a doctor because it feels like I am coming down with something" an unwell Arghrash said as he got back into the power armour and made his way out to Covenant. It was one place he was sure of a doctor being available and hopefully more antibiotics, which are hard to come by but needed.

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"What brings you to me today. Need an addiction cured, rads cured or health brought up to scratch?" asked Doctor Montgomery.

"I got some addictions to chems I need cured so I am more fighting fit please, then check my health as well. After that I want to buy some spare supplies from you" replied Arghrash and the doctor cured his addictions and checked his health.

After being helped out, they traded items and the two sets of antibiotics were bought as they can cure illnesses which he thought he currently has, but also a bunch of stimpaks to restock due to the low amount he has now.

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The next place to head for was the bunker mentioned through the dead Knights and their tapes but it didn't seem like it would be easy.. one part which was manageable was on the edge of a small town along the way, multiple ghouls attacked. A car was exploded as Arghrash kept shooting the explosive pistol round at and passed them until the six or so had been killed and he could see this building was the Med-Tek Research building.

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When Arghrash arrived at the bunker and attempted to get in, he was in for a nasty surprise for he had not realised, that on top were some laser turrets that packed a nasty punch.

They all fired on him numerous times and after a short but painful moment.. even the power armour couldn't save him and it was a brutal death and something to remember for the next visit here!

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"Guess I will just check around the area and ensure it is clear, around the boathouse then so the settlers aren't going to be killed off" a feeling down Arghrash thought as he found some bloodbugs not far from base.

Multiple came to get him and the missile launcher was quickly used, disposing of a couple bloodbugs to make this easier since there were about five. Then a quick change to the explosive pistol to take the rest out and this could have gone quite bad.. but he managed to clear more of the surroundings and quickly checked on how the other settlers were going, along with making sure he has enough supplies.

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part fourty. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty nine here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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