Photography Lovers : My First Harvest of Secondary Crops.
Greetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. All friends, this is my first harvest on a very small plot of land. But I feel happy when I pick the results that I have been taking care of slowly. I planted Cayenne pepper and Terung telunjuk
As my contribution today for Photography Lovers Community by @castleberry with the theme of my First Harvest of Secondary Crops.
Cayenne pepper that I planted in the rice field. I made a bed so that the plants are not submerged in water. Cayenne pepper is included in the Kingdom Plantae from the Solanaceae family. The chili that I planted when young is greenish white when ripe it will be bright red.
Terung Telunjuk is a plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Both of these gardens grow a lot in my area. I plant this plant as an additional spice and also as a vegetable at home.
Thank you very much to the Photography Lovers community administrators, the team and all my friends. Hopefully everyone is happy.
I love Cayenne peppers!!!