
Sometimes we think and ask God, "WHY?". Why is so much not working as planned? Most times it's not that we ain't trying, it just feels like being fruitless to the essence of life. Same routine everyday without a change, harder and harder yet nothing to show.


Easy for some and difficult elsewhere, what actually is life worth when the knots tighten than loose? Happiness is good but with no result turns bad, not all will understand till they fit in to know. Prayers, devotion, faith, and belief will come into question when change refuses to show forth, it's just crazy how some will still judge that as being worthless to life.


Unfair is life to the mind that would think, as those with the ease don't seem different to all. The next minute could be the harvest as a lifetime of wealth, but what if death knocks at 1s to win? Hmmmm 🤔...


"WHY?" is the question to circumstances when low, and one genuine answer could solve the doubts between the lines.


Roman Empire Production
Thanks for reading

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