Major's Batman Chapter 7
Pastor Charles was uncomfortable with the decision but pretended to have bought in. He resolved to counsel Nancy hoping that he would arouse suspicion in her. Pastor Charles later invited Nancy to his home, where she recounted her encounter with Yibo. Nancy sounded so convinced she was in the perfect will of God. After listening to Nancy, Pastor Charles urged her to be circumspect. He told her that he would pray with them because he wants the best for both Yibo and her. Pastor refrained from expressing personal opinions. But Nancy perceived that Pastor Charles wasn't excited about her decision to marry Yibo.
After her session with Pastor Charles, Nancy met with Mrs. Charles and appealed to her understanding. Nancy lobbied the Pastor's wife for support. But, Mrs. Charles reminded Nancy that spiritual things aren't discerned by the natural senses. She appealed to Nancy to be more prayerful and open-minded. Adding that if Yibo weren't the right man for her, God would bring 'her husband.' The moment Nancy heard that she stood up and left.
Before long, the rumor mill was buzzing, the gossip was that Pastor Charles and his wife were against the wedding plans of Sister Nancy and Brother Yibo. It didn't take long for the Pastor and church leadership to notice that they had offended some youths.
The young people refused to understand the cautionary posture of the administration. They felt that marriage was mainly a decision between a bachelor and a spinster, and as such, the church leadership ought to oblige them their request. As days went by, the issues metaphorized into a controversy. Slowly, church attendance and input by youths began to decline.
Nancy and Yibo were always around the church, but it is evident that their commitment had dropped drastically. The executives of the youth fellowship of the church were mandated to discuss with the church leadership. That interface avail both parties the opportunity of understanding the issue. And so de-escalated the faceoff. Yibo and Nancy, through the youth fellowship, thus appealed for a waiver because Yibo wanted to conclude his marital rites before he returns to his base in Canada.