Who The Hell Is "Leviticus Cornwall" (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
A Run For Robbing A Train?
Well this is sure going to be a heck of a thing!
I thought that we were the good guys! But I read a quote saying the villian will always be the villian if the hero keeps telling the story, right?
That hit hard!
Now as it always is some of these folk aren't exactly happy about us robbing a damned train! But we have no choice we have to get some good supplies gathered up! The storm has passed and we might be able to move on but everything we own is back at Blackwater!
There we are crossing the snowy mountains on horseback!
First Time Seeing The Scale!
Now I'll be honest here! The video isn't exactly the best quality, really it's not!
BUT this is the first time seeing the size of the map! I haven't played the game much at all and neither do I know exactly how big the map is but this is beautifull to see! It was especially beautifull in game!
I am quite surprised! It was nice seeing some patches of green between all the snow for a change!
The Location!
That's where we will blow up the train! Yeahp! Or rather the train tracks!
We sent a man ahead to start planting down the tnt charges so that we might not get caught slacking! Now I have to head down and see if I can help the man with anything there!
A side note of what I noticed was the horses dropping dung the moment we stopped, that is something major! I never thought any game would even consider implementing that!
The man setting up the charges didn't really want me to help with anything at all, I insisted and he only told me to roll out the wires! So I did just that!
A Failure!
Whelp this was sort of a failure! At-least from the start! It didn't end in a failure!
The man who set the charges must have done something wrong! Or perhaps I did something wrong! But the tnt didn't go boom and well the tracks didn't go boo either! The train simple slid past us!
Now it was up to us to chase down the train!
One guy almost fell him self to death trying to jump on the train! It would have been a different story if I wasn't there!
Then It Was Kill Or Be Killed!
Now when it boils down to that I don't at all hesitate to clap some bullets into some odd faces!
This first bloak I hit hard with fists and well he kind of fell off the train! Laughs Not my worries now is it!
I had a job to do and I meant to carry it out nicely!

We did eventually make it to the engine compartment and managed to get rid of the captain in some brutal ways! But we had no choice!
We had to stop the train and that is what we meant to do!
However stopping the train wasn't exactly a sure win YET! Once the train stopped a whole bunch of men creeped out ready for war and it was a lot more than we thought it would be! But we pushed through!
A Hard Convincing!
The boys eventually showed up in force and we could deal with what was left! The last train cart with the desk jockeys inside! Boy were they a stubborn bunch!
They did not at all want to listen, so we had to wake them up and open their ears up nicely!
Bet they didn't like the sound of that ringing!

They Are Living The Top Life!
Well now I don't feel so bad anymore for robbing this train!
These bloaks are living the top life and most of the country as slopping by not knowing what they will do next!
On top of that we have gotten some nice jewels in this cart and some of the finest brandy!
I was left to deal with the bloaks that was left behind!
Now truth be told I didn't want to murder them in cold blood! That was not at all my go to!
I tried not to!
Well except for this one man that legitly wasted my time! I even gave him a warning shot and he still stood still like I was going to listen to him!
Well now nobody will ever listen to him again!
To New Beginnings!
After that train robbery we absolutely had to pack up and leave! Things were really heated up for us and they sure as hell would come looking for us! Sure as hell!
We packed up and headed out to a place where it seemed to be slightly warmer! Now I am even more keen on seeing what awaits us next!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
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This train heist was a wild ride. I still regret that I couldn't do finish this mission the way I wished it to be. My plan didn't go as expected as well. I may replay this game from the beginning someday soon.
lol the punch gif. The guy shooting but Arthur doesn't care and goes straight to punch him even taking a bullet xD
Laughs! Yeah I noticed that aswell! He is a tank of-course! Man that game is so frikkin fun!