Valkenheim in Winter: Chapter 4 (Knights Storyline)

Authored by @Technicalside

New And Improved Decisions

Well hello there fellow gamers! I think this would be the first gaming post I make on this account. I had an old extra account that I created back in the days of Steemit that I only started using now for my gaming related content, however after speaking with a few people and being given some tips by @acidyo I decided ahh what the hell I might as well just share them on my original account.

It's also less effort to then switch up between the accounts and also replying to comments and doing interactions from one account makes more sense.

In doing so I don't really have to keep two separate follower groups happy and also I only have to do curation from one stronger account which will reward users with bigger curation rewards. (Not that I give a ton of curation rewards, perhaps someday😂)

Link to video at bottom of post

Playing The Big Soldier In This One

In chapter four of the Knights story line I get to play the big soldier that I mentioned in my previous post from For Honor. In other words I get to play the soldier with the big golden pike in his hands.

In the background you can see the original character that I am playing, in this chapter he just follows you around and watches your back.

The start of the chapter

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The Battle Along The Path Leading To The Castle

Playing the big soldier (As I like referring to him) I get to pull out some nice executioner moves with the big fella

Especially so when there are groupings of soldiers, you can eliminate them quickly and effectively with just a few swings of the pike. I am even more effective against archers standing in formations.

Trying out some new executioner moves

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In this chapter I am also introduced to a new bigger enemy defence unit that actually poses somewhat of a challenge, you have to out play him in order to beat him. It's not just all about swinging your weapon around anymore, it really makes it more tactical because he is also quite fast on his weapon for such a big defensive unit but then again so is my character.

Discovering the new tanky defensive unit

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The castle is finally in reach, well I should say in sight. The way down to the gates was blocked off and the soldiers were getting slaughtered like sheep.

Some other alternative has to be found and quickly!

Almost reaching the castle and discovering the path is blocked

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Problems Arising And Fighting My Way To The Castle.

Not long after discovering that the road was blocked, we quickly found a side path that may or may not lead to the castle gates.

The only problem was that it was getting bombarded with trebuchet fire balls and that destroyed the morale of the foot soldiers and as we all know foot soldiers win wars! Along with some strategy and planning of course.

The next piece of the mission was all on me if I fail now this war is as good as over and if I succeed well then we are one step closer to victory.

I had to sort out the trebuchet fire and in a hastily manner as well, the longer it goes on the more men we lose. But what posed the real problem to me was crossing the frozen rivers with the immensely heavy armor that my character had equipped and then I also had to fight some soldiers during that too. Let me tell you it's real scary battling your way over the river while you can see and hear the ice cracking up beneath your feat!

My character looking back at the slaughter of soldiers

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The trebuchet fire that poses problems

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The ice rivers I have to cross

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Fighting for quite some time over various parts of the frozen river I finally silenced the trebuchet fire and made it to the gates of the castle in one piece.

Now I have to get over and onto the walls in one piece. Each step led to a possibility of falling off the bridge ultimately leading to my death, what made it worse was that I had to fight some soldiers on this unsteady bridge.

Make shift bridges used to gain access to the castle.

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Finally Made It To The Castle

We breached the castle walls and made our way down to the inner courtyard of the castle where we were met with quite a few troops that we had to battle.

The enemy really put up a strong defensive battle with this one, I have to admit I had somewhat of a struggle to get up till this point. Most of the previous castles I had to overtake went smoothly and without problems but this castle proved it's worth.

Entering the castle's courtyard

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Clearing the courtyard of enough enemy soldiers so that I was able to open the castle gates completely also proved quite the task to fulfill however once I got to that point I made sure to open it hastily and without delay!

This was the winning step in the battle for the viking castle, with the gates open our soldiers were able to completely flood the castle.

Opening the draw bridge of the castle gates

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The troops being led in by our glorious War Commander made for the perfect cut scene!

I don't know what it is but dayum the armor of the War Commander looks frikkin insane! Epic and Majestic at the same time with a twist of evilness combined!

Troops flooding in through the castle gates

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Onto The Next Chapter!

The executioner's scene

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To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive

0.009 PAL


You struggling to figure out what to do... "is it because I'm a noob?" 😂 Maybe, maybe not

0.000 PAL

😂😂😂 Laughs laughs... Perhaps perhaps....

Or maybe one of those ..

"Don't let them know your next move"


0.000 PAL

Loved the storyline and your strategy. The graphics of the ancient statues and the view of the castle from the bridge look amazing.

And you were right about the spike, it really helped you to fight multiple enemies.

Can't wait to try it out. Good luck to you too.

0.000 PAL

You can check it out on xbox game pass... Its currently free to play.. Aslong as you have the pass...

Im in somewhat of a regretfull situation because I sold my RTX im playing on a 1660 ti xD... Could have experienced even better graphics... But it is what it is...

I never knew the game has such a big campaign 😂 I was always under the impression that it would be only multiplayer

0.000 PAL

Me encanto este juego en su momento, jugaba más el multijugador, las mecánicas me parecen geniales pero me entristece mucho que no haya tanta gente jugándolo y que tardes mucho tiempo a la hora de iniciar una partida en un servidor.
La historia no la recuerdo muy bien pero también le dedique algunas horas.

0.000 PAL

Ohhh.. Well that's disappointing 😂.. I was really keen on trying out the multiplayer after the story line 😂 what a bummer... Thanks for the heads up though... Hopefully I can find a match quickly..

Its a great game... Just diffucult to work with the mechanics.. Especially on hard mode 😂 these bots hit quickly...

0.000 PAL