The OverPass DeathMatch! (Counter-Strike 2 Plays!)
Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Some Premium New Items!
Well I ain't even going to lie about this! I totally forgot about them! I haven't played CS in like what 5... 6 days? Jumping back in now I was like yeahp I got those and I got these and I got thats! Ahhhhh I love it!
So do enjoy the items I got! I am only going to share two screenshots for now the rest will come in the video below! (Also the video is only going to be uploaded a bit later so do make a mental note if you want to check that one out! Sorry about that! Don't yet have internet in the new place! So I just got to pickle the laptop to someplace I can leach!)
The next three skins you see are just some of the favourites one I got now!
The M4A4|Spider Lily!
The M4A4-S|Black Lotus!
The USP-S|The Traitor!
A Bit Of A Weird Start!
You will notice me falling into a bit of a weird server there at the start of the video.... This is absolutely out of my control as there are bot servers of people farming XP for the game pass on CS!
Now I have misused it myself I will be brutally honest there but when the time comes to actually play! I don't want none of that sweating!
They kick you during the day! So I got kicked!
Down To The Action!
I did run two server matches there but the first one was just above a minute of play time and to be truthfull that ain't much! Couldn't leave ya'll hanging with that now could I?!
The time came for me to check out these new skins I got! One I am overly fond of and it is the Spider Lily M4A4! A beautiful skin! Never knew the true beauty of it to be honest!
I don't think I ever inspected it in game first person mode!? Why the heck not! But maybe it is there somewhere in the video!
This is also a banger! Getting kills with this one is so much fun! Silent but deadly and that's just how I like it!_
At The End!
I made a joke with some bloak in the match to let me get that number one spot! And well obviously people wont just sit back and let them be banged up! NAH! I had to grind for that spot! And I have to say I do think I earned it well and good right!
Until the next banger episode! For now I am out peeps! Have a good one!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
If it is not too much too ask please considering giving me a follow on other socials! I would gladly respond with the same!
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Your guns look great with the decorations they have, I really like the colors.
Also your games look very amazing, you really have talent in this video game.
Some of the skins are really damned beautifull! And these are nothing compared to what is out there!!
Thanks a lot bud! I do try my best but dont always make it to the top xD
Love the pistol skin. They even made the silencers look cool. lol.
Watched a few minutes of gameplay, you are much much better than me. That 'Boembam' was pain in the butt though xD
The pistol skin is whack! I lent one to a friend wjen I get that one back Ill share a pic of that one!!
There is always someone better ey! How long have you been playing CS?
I played some CS 1.6 back in the days, not much though and mostly against bots. Well, I installed CS2 when it launched and tried it... gave it like 10-15 hours of total gameplay, I guess. And that my friend, was enough to know I am not good at it lol.
I will reinstall it someday and give it a proper whack.