One Thing Is Certain, I'm Not Getting Any Younger

Authored by @Technicalside

Growing old is certainly not for the weak!

Okay okay I know I'm not that old yet but I am growing older none the less and in the line of work I am that process might be sped up a little or a lot, perhaps a lot more than I think.

There use to be a time where I was able to work on until the midnight hours, but as of the last six months to a year I can feel it grabbing and clawing it's way into my flesh, it's not as easy anymore. Although enduring through it isn't the problem the problem only arises the next day, then you can feel the punch of it.

It's not that I'm complaining about it but rather looking for a solution to it and perhaps spilling my thoughts out on paper is better than just sitting and thinking about it... I don't know yet.


Maybe healthy living is the key?

BUT I have this idea in my head that perhaps if I start living healthier it might just make it a little easier, somewhere around last week I made a post about how I want to get my sleeping routine fixed, now I'm still working on it and it is a challenge to say the least. The problem is not getting up (That in it self is a problem though, who really wants to get up earlier than they have to) But the problem really shows it self when I need to fall asleep.

Sleeping is my problem, either too little or too much.

Some nights it's easier to fall asleep and others you have to somewhat force yourself, play pretend at sleeping... And sometimes even that fails to work, it's hard to explain it really it's like you're asleep but still awake and when you realize it it's already 2'o clock in the morning and you've got no sleep in.

That takes it's toll with doing a job that requires immense physical labour. I don't mind the labour I mind the lack of sleep or sometimes too much of it. Yes even though it's fun sleeping in I do feel that too much sleep is actually making me feel worse off than as if I were to get up earlier than intended.


What affect does this have on my body

Well, I have to be honest with myself here, I don't know what long term affects it will have but since I started doing hard labour I've had more back pains than I can remember BUT with that said before I really started doing real physical labour whenever I had back pain it was much much worse, like dropping down on your knees worse. So perhaps it really is making by back stronger slowly but surely, Luckily it's not some chronic pain it's just muscles that tense up and such. Nothing the Betty can't sort out with a little bit of love right!

Working late, well it was more fun some years ago.

I've always been one that was all in when it came to working late, I mean more money how can one object too that. Well I certainly never thought that I would complain about it, the longer the boss stayed busy the more hours I can clock in. This is not the case anymore, it's a killer for me nowadays, both physically and mentally. 😜 I'm just not up for it anymore, with that said sometimes you just have to.

Dated 06/06/2023

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As we get on a bit we have to reign in the madness slightly. It hurts but it has to be done!

0.000 PAL

Well yeah that's the fun part of life! Or perhaps we just seem mad because the kid in us has never really left! So when you grow old you become weird xD xD xD but you're actually just the same as you always were!

Laughs! Have a good one bud!


0.000 PAL

I think that might be the case that the weird or mad older folk are just the ones who still have the big kid in them!!

0.000 PAL

Insightful reflection. I can relate with the sleeping part. There are days when I feel like staying up, but then there's day work the next day. I've also been working on my sleep experiment (does not seem to be working right though). Well, we do the best we can each day. I guess for now, that's the important part. Wishing you success in finding balance and harmony.

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

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I can relate your story (overall status) 100 percent. I don't know your age. As I am heaving towards my 40, I can feel with certainty that my health is declining gradually. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle in the earlier part of my life might have contributed to this early onset of health issues.

Some nights it's easier to fall asleep and others you have to somewhat force yourself, play pretend at sleeping... And sometimes even that fails to work, it's hard to explain it really it's like you're asleep but still awake and when you realize it it's already 2'o clock in the morning and you've got no sleep in.

It looks like my story!!

Thanks for sharing it with us.


Keep #aliveandthriving

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@technicalside! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @vocup. (4/20)

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