Days Gone: Something's Not Right

Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

In the last episode of Days Gone Deacon had one wild ride both physically and emotionally. As I was driving around trying to hunt some deer for Boozer one of those NERO helicopters once again flew right over my head... This time I was going to try and catch up with it and see if I couldn't sneak up to Dr. O'Brian and ask him out about Sarah.

The sneaking up to him was the easy part but what he had to say was hard to consume, I just thought, I never thought that Sarah might still be alive after all this time... He can't really tell me, he did mention something about finding out but I doubt he'll go back to his hideout and actually look for her or what happened to her. I doubt I'll be able to sneak up on him again as I think he will be more aware of what is actually going on around him now.

But hope remains, however little. Boozer warned me against this.

Coming out of this great forest after a hunting, well all I can say is that I almost didn't make it out alive! There are numerous hordes wandering around in there and when a shot goes off it really wakes them all up at once. The problem then is having to run back to the motorcycle which is all up hill.

However, I did make it out alive and now me and Boozer can have some fresh meat again!

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On the sideline, I am getting especially worried about Boozer he has been awfully quiet on the radio the last few days and he didn't even bother facing me when I came back home to stack the meat.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the man but it might be that he is getting sick in the head now, if I could I would have plucked him out of bed and placed him on his motorcycle to get the blood flowing again for a change!

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I thought a little about the young girl I rescued the other day Lisa and how things went with her, so I decided to up and leave in the mid of night and besides I had some business to conduct with Tucker so I might just get there and have it done with.

One thing I do admire of all this since the world has came to an abrupt stop is the stars... I've never really noticed them shining so bright ever before. Sad that a night like this doesn't really bring me any good news.

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Turns Out Exactly As I Thought It Would!

Turns out Tucker really is a heartless bitch... I asked her not to treat Lisa like she treats the rest of them, heck why would she? She even knew Lisa from before all this happened, does that have no value to her what so ever and does she not care what Lisa went through?

Is that perhaps the only reason she sends me out to rescue people? So that she can become meat in her slaving army?

Lisa didn't even wanted to waste a minute talking to me because she was scared of getting punished for not working. Well at-least I assume that was the reason...

I have got to do something about this, but what?

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The Lady Called Boss.

Look at her sitting there like she owns this damned place with everyone inside it!

I went over there with the thought of confronting her, but she gave me no chance to speak. Before I knew it I was all in for doing yet another job for her...

Ironically enough a very similar problem that Lisa is facing, a young lady who arrived at the camp who didn't seem like she was going to make it at all but over the days Tucker nursed her back to health and then pushed her into the working camps.

She got fed up and escaped, now she wants me to trace her and the team she went with down.


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I went to their last known location and as always the place was over run with freakers, that is always the case... When someone goes missing you can presume them dead unless found alive.

Things never turn out great whenever someone was chased down by freaker, although I decided to give it a stake out none the less, perhaps someone was able to bar themselves inside a closet hoping on a rescue.

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Dealing With Freakers Is Both Terrifying And Fun.

Of-course there is always the problem of dealing with freakers where ever they can feast and where they feast there is a nest!

Now the nest was the least of my worries I had to burn these suckers before they can feast on me and throwing a few firebombs clearly isn't a "Go to plan" since these things might be dead but they still have two brain cells left up there since those who don't get lit up by the original explosion don't dare cross over the flames to set themselves ablaze...

Instead they wait it out, how can a mindless dead thing think for themselves?

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It Did Work Wonders In Delaying Them For A Bit!

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After that I had to resort to my very reliable aim to keep me out of the coffin or out of these freaker's stomachs!

At first seeing all those freaker gunning down on me I panicked a little, not going to lie on that one. When death comes running at you it isn't a easy thing to keep your composure, but I did none the less. When that adrenaline kicks in everything always seems to go just right! I landed one headshot after the other, it felt almost surreal to say the least of it.

Until the last, she was fast and really gave me a hard time killing her. In the end she fell none the less.

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They're All Gone.

Just as I expected, they didn't survive the ordeal... Infact they were the root cause of the horde being held up here, feasting on fresh flesh is something these things wildly adore

I'll have to keep searching, there must be another one somewhere... who would come out here in the dark all alone. Besides if I don't find anyone I am bound to find some usefull supplies.

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Following the trail of blood it was evident that this group is all but gone... Torn to shreds with nothing but bones and clothing remaining.

I was about to get the hell out of there when I heard a faint scream coming from somewhere and nowhere alike.. I then decided to climb out the tower, even though I couldn't really see anything up there.

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Realizing That Something Isn't Right.

That is where I found Rose at the top of the radio tower all bound up like she was going to be sacrificed. This is not the work of freakers, whoever did this must have wanted to either come back or lure more people into a trap.

That's not all though, Rose escaped because she couldn't take it anymore in Hot Springs Camp, now this really makes me think as to what exactly is going on in that camp... what is really going on in there.

Rose didn't want to go back to the camp, she'd rather die out there than going back to that place, so I let her go.

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Dated 30/06/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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