I broke my keyboard - how I got around it to post this article
Late last night I spilt water on my laptop keyboard. I dried it off quickly and didn't think anymore of it.
Then two hours later the letters of my keyboard refused to respond, apart from the return key. But the touchpad and mouse still worked.
In a panic I phoned my spouse. He suggested using an online keyboard. But how to find one if I couldn't type the search into Google?
This is where we got ingenious.
I used the mouse to bring up a random bookmarked article in my browser. Then I painstakingly copied and pasted individual letters from the article into the search box in a new tab.
o n e l i n e b r o w s e r
Bear in mind I couldn't use the Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V buttons.
Luckily the Chrome browser has a copy paste button you can click on with your mouse. (Click the three dot icon on the top right of your browser. This brings up a menu that looks like this:
Then it was a question of using the touchpad buttons and mouse to highlight letters and paste them into Google.
The search brought up the following website:
I then typed up this article using my mouse to select characters on the online keyboard and then copied and pasted it into the proofofbrain.io editor using the browser buttons.
I also used gate2home to help me paste searches for virtual keypads in Google's extension apps, and found and enabled one - but it is temperamental and works with some forms but not others.
And there you have it - an article written with a mouse and an online keyboard. It took longer than normal to write but I got there in the end. BTW - gate2home has keyboards for a lot of scripts - hebrew, arabic, russian, chinese etc, if you need to write in another language and script.
It's amazing how ingenious you were to get around your obstacles.
You are a lot more patient than I would have been! I suppose you didn't have any spare keyboards from old computers you could have used?
A full vote cause of the patience and persistence, haha. Very good.