WEEK #201: Honesty Or Being True To Yourself?


It's another weekend, and I have a chance to respond to one of @galenkp's fantastic topics.

What's more valuable in your opinion, honesty or being true to yourself? Remember to use your photos.

We believe in being honest, true and doing good to all men. We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured much, and hope to be able to endure everything. We seek things that are virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy.

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I had previously heard this passage of text, but something stood out and prompted a question in my mind. The phrase "We believe in being honest, true…" stood out.

I pondered, "Are not those the same thing? Are not those just synonyms to one another? Why would they put two words with such a close relation in the same sentence when stating a belief for a standard of excellence? "

I was intrigued by the thought and wanted to know more. So I did some thinking and simple word research to understand the simple but significant difference between the adjectives "honest" and "true".

What are the differences between honesty and being true to yourself?

Honesty is being truthful and sincere in one's actions and words, especially when dealing with others. It is also commonly defined as being truthful or credible about behaviour; your intentions are excellent and honest, you have no ulterior motives, and you are not deceitful. We care about this as humans because we suffer when others are untrustworthy to us. So, we look for and value honesty in different people.


Self-honesty, or being true to yourself, is the ability to be truthful and genuine with oneself. It entails introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to accept one's thoughts, feelings, and actions without deception.

Being true to yourself is more about self-reflection, which Humanists refer to as Freethought. The issue we humans face is that we occasionally need to learn or understand our motivations. Personal experience distorts our perceptions of what is happening and what we are experiencing. We are also much more instinctual than we like to admit, and this can lead to us rationalizing inappropriate behaviour after the fact.


Self-honesty is essential because it allows us to correct our mistakes. If we deceive ourselves, we harm ourselves and others, so we should correct our misconceptions immediately. To do so, we must recognize that we are constantly deceiving ourselves and take active steps to correct errors in our perceptions so that they more accurately reflect reality. This allows us to behave more ethically and cause less harm.

While honesty applies to interactions with others, self-honesty focuses on being genuine and truthful with oneself. Both are essential for personal development and positive relationships.


So when you ask me what's more valuable, honesty or being true to yourself...

I would respond by being true to myself.

Self-Honesty or Being True To Yourself

Self-honesty is all about being true to oneself and aligning with reality. Dealing with the truth will be a more personal experience. When I refer to someone as trustworthy, I mean that they are a true source of information. They are so familiar with the facts of reality that they become devoted to using and defending them.

Being more honest with yourself can help you gain confidence, clarity, and self-reliance and foster healthier relationships.


Nothing in the world remains constant. Everything changes. However, something must be authentic to exist indefinitely. You are what your core is. No matter how much color you add to please the world, you will always be yourself. Your core is your truth.

Nothing in the world remains constant. Everything changes. However, something must be authentic to exist indefinitely. You are what your core is.

No matter how much color you add to please the world, you will always be yourself. Your core is your truth.


You can pretend to be what others expect you to be, but being honest will make you proud of yourself. You will express your true self without worrying about what others think.

This is because you can hide your truth from others but not yourself. Being true to yourself is essential for feeling proud of yourself.


You may become more fearless because when you understand your abilities, the world and the opinions of others cannot bring you down. If someone tells you you can't do something you know you can, your morale will most likely remain unaffected, allowing you to pursue your goals confidently.


Being honest can make your life easier, less complicated, and more beautiful. You become more dependent on yourself than on others. You begin to love yourself despite your flaws, and this marks the beginning of your journey to contentment and inner peace.

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