LOH #168: The New Era of Me: “Conquering Self-Doubt, Embracing Change, Evolving into the New Me.”


Hello, Ladies of Hive Community!

It's another pleasant week for another fantastic writing prompt initiated by @joanstewart. It's my pleasure to answer the question:

In the 2️⃣ Directions of life, what would you like to see altered going into this year? Planned improvement in education, lifestyle living, and personal progress.

"When in doubt, do it anyway. It's the only way to grow."

We frequently require clarification on our options. We accept this uncertainty and persuade ourselves of our limitations. This doubt cripples us, and we are unable to be our most excellent selves. We deceive ourselves into believing we are capable of more. Our fears fuel our doubts. What we believe is what causes our worries. Doubts grow when we let our fears take up living in our innermost thoughts.

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To avoid uncertainty, one needs to develop a fearless simplicity. You start to believe and visualize yourself accomplishing what you once thought was impossible when fear no longer plays a role. You begin to take on the tasks that you are truly capable of. The possibilities are endless when this happens. You do it even when you don't think you can accomplish something. You'd be astonished by the outcome.

In Education…

I had persuaded myself that I was not capable of continuing to that degree to obtain a doctoral degree in education. Yes, even the most confident people, like me, can still become doubtful. But as soon as I believed I couldn't, I overcame my doubts, fears, and feelings about my ability. I chose to apply for enrollment anyway, and the rest will be history.

I finally decided to further my education this year to live a better lifestyle and personal progress.

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It has been two years since I received my master's degree, and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to accept this new professional challenge of pursuing a doctorate.

After my mother died, I made a self-promise to myself that I would carry on making her proud and realizing our shared dreams. Despite my continued fear of taking the next step and not knowing what lies ahead, I have decided to go forward. Completing my EdD degree will have a significant impact on both my professional and personal development.

Everything will eventually pay off, just like everything I've accomplished in the past.

In Lifestyle Living…

I acknowledge that I have not given much thought to my health over the last few years. As a result, I am currently dealing with several illnesses, for which I am solely responsible for my lifestyle choices.

I don't think about how my eating affects my body and health; I eat whatever I want.

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I realized that nothing matters when it comes to health and illness, no matter how hard you work for your life, if you have a terrible mindset about lifestyle choices.

Mental health is essential to bring physical strength and work as a precaution. I should practice frequently and maintain a healthy lifestyle to live stress-free.

So, I will stick with my lifestyle even though I still doubt it.

In Personal Progress…

Some days, I wake up and go about my everyday business.

My growth journey has had ups and downs, failures and successes. Personal development is a lifelong commitment, not a sprint or achievable task. It can flourish in other aspects of my life but will also encounter obstacles and rough patches.

I embarked on an intentional personal development journey well before I knew what it meant. I knew I wanted to see personal growth — and had reached a point where I needed fundamental change.


I must examine my ideas, emotions, behaviours, and responses to grow personally. It necessitates paying attention to and being aware of who I am. However, it also pushes me to consider where I want to go. I'm raising my self-awareness and, consequently, my self-esteem by investing in myself.

The advantages of growth as a person are numerous. Although growth in oneself is complex, the rewards will make the trip worthwhile.

This year, I will shift my perspective from "I can do this" to "I will make this happen"!

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These are the changes I want to see this year for myself, my education, my lifestyle, and my progress. These are changes that will make me proud even more of myself.

I will, therefore, do it even if I continue to doubt myself because I know that this doubt may be the start of my personal development.

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Ignore your doubts. Never forget to believe that you can achieve all that you truly desire! Always remember to follow your heart and, in doubt, go ahead and do it! You'll be happy that you took action!

0.004 PAL


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0.000 PAL

Wow! Such a great height to achieve for the year. I pray it all comes true for you.

0.000 PAL

Thank you so much! thank you for dropping by 😍.

0.000 PAL

That's right, fear can be our worst enemy, the important thing is to dare, go ahead.

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Indeed, it's better to try and try than do nothing at all. So even if I'm in doubt, I swear I'll do it anyway. Thank you so much :)

0.000 PAL

Learn, assess and keep moving forward, do take stock of health, body and mind work together in tandem. Well done on your achievements your Mom would be proud of you.


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Thank you so much! I hope that my mom still cheers me in heaven. 😍😔

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Mom's are everywhere keeping a watchful eye....

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When we leave fear behind and start believing in ourselves more, we can achieve anything. Excellent words you share with us friend, greetings.🤗

0.000 PAL

Thank you so much! I hope and I pray that I can overcome the fear and achieve things confidently. Thank you for your appreciation 😍

0.000 PAL